Applying a workspace

If you have access to more than one workspace, you can switch between them without having to sign in again to each.

About this task

You cannot apply a workspace if you have access to only one workspace. Applying a workspace immediately replaces your current open workspace with your chosen workspace.

Note: The workspace that opens by default each time you sign in to Watson™ Care Manager is unaffected when you apply a workspace. You can change your default workspace in your preferences, if needed.


  1. Open the URL that is associated with your account details.
    The Watson Care Manager sign in page opens.
  2. Sign in to your account.
    Your Home page opens.
  3. From the menu next to your name on the menu bar, select Workspaces.
    Your available workspaces are displayed.
  4. Select a workspace to apply.
  5. Click Apply to apply to the workspace.