What types of metadata are collected

Metadata is the information that IBM Storage Insights collects about your storage devices and environment.

Metadata about your storage devices can include, but is not limited to the following information:
  • Inventory and configuration metadata such as name, model, firmware, type, and more
  • Inventory and configuration metadata for internal componentssuch as volumes, pools, disks, ports, and more
  • Capacity metrics such as capacity, usable capacity, used capacity, compression ratios, and more
  • Performance metrics such as read and write data rates, I/O rates, response times, and more
  • Diagnostic data, system failure logs, maintenance levels, and more support-related information
IBM Storage Insights analyzes this metadata to help you identify problems with your storage before they impact your business. Performance bottlenecks, capacity usage and shortages, loss of connectivity or access to devices, and configuration issues are just a few of the things that metadata can spotlight. To get metadata, the information that is used to connect to devices is also collected and stored. The information is stored in the database that was created for your IBM Storage Insights service. Passwords are encrypted before they are stored in the database.

IBM Support ticket and diagnostic log packages

When you create tickets in IBM Storage Insights, you provide a name, an email address, and a phone number so that IBM Support can contact you. IBM Storage Insights also collects and uploads the diagnostic data for IBM block storage systems to IBM Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) or Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support, depending on your configuration.

What is ECuRep
ECuRep is an IBM strategic worldwide Post Sales Technical Support solution for diagnostic data transmission, storing, and analysis.
When the diagnostic log package is collected from a device, IBM Storage Insights transfers it to IBM Support and ECuRep. To secure the transmission of that data, multiple methods are used, such as HTTPS protocol. For more information, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/enhanced-customer-data-repository-ecurep-send-data-https.
About encryption: When diagnostic data is transmitted, that data is encrypted. For information about the data encryption that is used for ECuRep, see the following links:
What is Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support
Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support is an enhancement to standard IBM remote software and hardware support. It adds extra layers of security and allows you to use a secure, dedicated portal to upload diagnostic data to IBM® Support.
If an IBM block storage system is configured to use Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support, IBM Storage Insights collects and uploads the diagnostic data that is collected for the storage system to the Blue Diamond environment.
About encryption: In Blue Diamond environments, data at rest is stored on encrypted storage.