Rule Designer API

Package ilog.rules.dvs.core

Contains classes used to customize the scenario provider and KPIs used in testing and simulation.


Interface Summary
IlrInitializable Interface implemented by all components that can be initialized.
IlrKPI IlrKPI is the interface for the calculated key performance indicators (KPIs) during a sequential execution of a simulation.
IlrKPIResultAggregator IlrKPIResultAggregator is the interface for the calculated key performance indicators (KPIs) during the parallel execution of a simulation.
IlrParallelScenarioProvider IlrParallelScenarioProvider extends the capabilities of the IlrScenarioProvider interface to enable parallel execution of a simulation in the SSP.
IlrScenario Defines the scenario contract at execution time on the server.
IlrScenarioFormat Represents the scenario format used at execution time by the runner.
IlrScenarioFormatFactory Factory class uses to create instances of IlrScenarioFormat from format descriptors.
IlrScenarioProvider Scenario providers retrieve the input data for your tests and simulations from a custom data source.
IlrScenarioSuiteExecutionContext A scenario suite execution context is created by the SSP runtime for each scenario suite execution request.
IlrSimulationKPI IlrSimulationKPI is the base interface for the calculated key performance indicators (KPIs) during an execution of a simulation.
IlrTraceTester Used to test the result of ruleset execution in the context of a scenario suite run.

Class Summary
IlrParallelScenarioProvider.IlrScenarioSuitePart Defines a simulation part that can be distributed by the SSP to a dedicated processor or thread.

Exception Summary
IlrInitializationException IlrInitializable is thrown when component initialization fails.

Package ilog.rules.dvs.core Description

Contains classes used to customize the scenario provider and KPIs used in testing and simulation.


Decision Validation Services lets you run tests and simulations on rule projects by defining usage scenarios and key performance indicators (KPIs). You can execute a scenario suite with large volume scenario data in parallel by dispatching the simulation cases to multiple processors or threads. A parallel execution can significantly improve the performance of a simulation run using a IlrKPIResultAggregator instances to aggregate the KPI results.

Note: The prerequisite to run a parallel execution is access to an environment capable of completing a simulation run within the required time frame. You must be able to configure this environment to meet the user demand and the amount of data used.


Scenarios represent the input data to ruleset execution, plus any expectations on the execution results that you wish to test to validate the behavior of your rules.

In the API, a scenario suite represents a list of such scenarios. If you are using the proposed Excel 2003 format to store your scenarios, your scenario suite becomes an Excel 2003 scenario file, where each scenario is identified with a unique ID. Scenario files contain a Scenarios worksheet for the values of the input data, and one or both of the Expected Results and Expected Execution Details worksheets.

Scenario providers and renderers

A scenario provider defines how scenarios are loaded in the test and simulation engine. The DVS API lets you define custom scenario providers to read data from sources other than Excel 2003, which is the default. You define a custom scenario provider by implementing IlrScenarioProvider or IlrParallelScenarioProvider. Use IlrParallelScenarioProvider to perform parallel execution. An instance of this provider specifies how a simulation is partitioned using a list of scenario suite parts. You use this list to distribute the simulation cases to multiple parallel processors or threads. Each part is then consolidated using IlrKPIResultAggregator instances.

You must also define the viewer and editor that corresponds to the custom scenario provider in Decision Center. You do this by implementing IlrScenarioSuiteResourcesRenderer, as follows:

You also have to define, in Decision Center, a configuration parameter that associates the custom scenario provider to its renderer class.

KPIs, KPI results, and KPI renderers

KPIs evaluate the performance of a simulation. The DVS API lets you define KPIs as follows:

By default, the predefined IlrKPIResultInteger and IlrKPIResultString classes have their associated renderers. Define an implementation of IlrScenarioSuiteKPIRenderer if you want the display of the KPI to be different from the Decision Center classic display.

You then have to define, in Decision Center, a configuration parameter that associates the custom KPI to its renderer class.

Note: A custom KPI has an associated message. This message has to be defined in a file that is added to the Decision Center application.

Rule Designer API

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