What's new and changed in Db2

Db2® updates can include new features, bug fixes, and security updates. Updates are listed in reverse chronological order so that the latest release is at the beginning of the topic.

You can see a list of the new features for the platform and all of the services at What's new in IBM Cloud Pak® for Data.

Installing or upgrading Db2

Ready to install or upgrade Db2?

Related documentation:

Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.7.3

A new version of Db2 was released in September 2023 with Cloud Pak for Data 4.7.3.

Version 4.7.3 of the Db2 service includes various fixes.

For details, see What's new and changed in Db2.

Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.7.2

Issues fixed in this release
Db2 images have been rebuilt in Docker V2.2 format instead of OCI.

Cloud Pak for Data Version 4.7.0

A new version of Db2 was released in June 2023 with Cloud Pak for Data 4.7.0.

The 4.7.0 release of Db2 includes the following features and updates:

Export audit logs
After you enable audit logging on a Db2 database instance, you can configure the service to stream audit logs to the Cloud Pak for Data audit logging service, which can export audit logs to security information and event management (SIEM) solution, such as Splunk, Mezmo, or QRadar®.

For more information, see:

Enhanced controller
The Db2 enhanced controller helps simplify administrative tasks. You can automate and manage typical activities for database instances, such as configuring audit log streaming.
Disable database encryption in the user interface
In environments where storage-layer encryption is available, you now have the choice of disabling Db2 native encryption for new deployments. This option is available for users who want to optimize resource efficiency and bypass possible compatibility issues. For more information, see Creating a database deployment on the cluster.
Easy HADR deployment using the Db2uHadr custom resource
When configuring HADR with a single standby in a single IBM Cloud environment, you can now use the Db2uHadr custom resource to easily deploy, instead of using scripts. For more information, see Using the Db2 HADR API.
Role-aware HADR
When configuring HADR using the Db2uHadr custom resource, you will have the option to create an additional Kubernetes service that will redirect traffic to the current HADR primary deployment. Instead of configuring Automatic Client Reroute (ACR) on the server or client, applications can now connect to Db2 using a single hostname, which will always redirect to the primary database in the case of a failover. For more information, see Using the Db2 HADR API.
Q Replication enhancements
  • You can now deploy Q Replication on PowerLinux systems.
  • You can now use Q Replication with source and target databases that use custom names. If you have a newly installed source database using a custom database name, you are required to have a target database running on Cloud Pak for Data version 4.7.0.
Customer-reported issues fixed in this release
DT212489:Document steps to refresh db2inst1password after changing db2luw password of user db2inst1.
Security fixes

This release includes fixes for the following security issues:

CVE-2016-3709, CVE-2020-10735, CVE-2020-36516, CVE-2020-36558, CVE-2021-26341, CVE-2021-28861, CVE-2021-30002, CVE-2021-33655, CVE-2021-33656, CVE-2021-3640, CVE-2021-42740, CVE-2021-46848, CVE-2022-0168, CVE-2022-0617, CVE-2022-0854, CVE-2022-1016, CVE-2022-1048, CVE-2022-1055, CVE-2022-1158, CVE-2022-1184, CVE-2022-1263, CVE-2022-1280, CVE-2022-1304, CVE-2022-1462, CVE-2022-1471, CVE-2022-1615, CVE-2022-1679, CVE-2022-1789, CVE-2022-1852, CVE-2022-20141, CVE-2022-20368, CVE-2022-20572, CVE-2022-2078, CVE-2022-21499, CVE-2022-2153, CVE-2022-2196, CVE-2022-23471, CVE-2022-23524, CVE-2022-23525, CVE-2022-23526, CVE-2022-23960, CVE-2022-24448, CVE-2022-24999, CVE-2022-25265, CVE-2022-2586, CVE-2022-25901, CVE-2022-26373, CVE-2022-2639, CVE-2022-2663, CVE-2022-27191, CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2022-2795, CVE-2022-27950, CVE-2022-28390, CVE-2022-2873, CVE-2022-28893, CVE-2022-2938, CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-29581, CVE-2022-2964, CVE-2022-3028, CVE-2022-30594, CVE-2022-32149, CVE-2022-3239, CVE-2022-3524, CVE-2022-35252, CVE-2022-3564, CVE-2022-3566, CVE-2022-3567, CVE-2022-35737, CVE-2022-3619, CVE-2022-3623, CVE-2022-3625, CVE-2022-3628, CVE-2022-36946, CVE-2022-3707, CVE-2022-37434, CVE-2022-37599, CVE-2022-37601, CVE-2022-37603, CVE-2022-3821, CVE-2022-39188, CVE-2022-39189, CVE-2022-40303, CVE-2022-40304, CVE-2022-40897, CVE-2022-41218, CVE-2022-41222, CVE-2022-4129, CVE-2022-4139, CVE-2022-41674, CVE-2022-41716, CVE-2022-41717, CVE-2022-41721, CVE-2022-42003, CVE-2022-42004, CVE-2022-42010, CVE-2022-42011, CVE-2022-42012, CVE-2022-4269, CVE-2022-42703, CVE-2022-42720, CVE-2022-42721, CVE-2022-42722, CVE-2022-42898, CVE-2022-4304, CVE-2022-43552, CVE-2022-43680, CVE-2022-43750, CVE-2022-4378, CVE-2022-43945, CVE-2022-4415, CVE-2022-4450, CVE-2022-45061, CVE-2022-46175, CVE-2022-47629, CVE-2022-47929, CVE-2022-48303, CVE-2023-0215, CVE-2023-0266, CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2023-0361, CVE-2023-0386, CVE-2023-0394, CVE-2023-0461, CVE-2023-1195, CVE-2023-1582, CVE-2023-23454, CVE-2023-23916, CVE-2023-25153, CVE-2023-25165, CVE-2023-25173, CVE-2023-27535, CVE-2023-28154, CVE-2023-32233, PRISMA-2021-0154, PRISMA-2022-0230, PRISMA-2022-0270, RHSA-2022:7715, RHSA-2022:7793, RHSA-2023:0096, RHSA-2023:0100, RHSA-2023:0103, RHSA-2023:0116, RHSA-2023:0173, RHSA-2023:0625, RHSA-2023:0837, RHSA-2023:0842, RHSA-2023:1140, RHSA-2023:1405, RHSA-2023:1569, RHSA-2023:2963, RHSA-2023:3018, RHSA-2023:3106