Obtaining the Application setting values for LinkedIn

To enable the use of authentication credentials for LinkedIn, you must specify the Application setting values for your LinkedIn account.

Note: You must have an account with LinkedIn to obtain the Application setting values.
Enter your Client ID and Client secret. You can get these by completing the following steps:
  1. Create a new application at https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer. Enter values for the Company Name and Description text fields.
  2. Add an image for the Application Logo.
    Note: The image must be exactly 80x80 pixels.
  3. Enter values for the following fields:
    • Website URL
    • Business Email
    • Business Phone
  4. Agree to the LinkedIn API Terms of Use, then click Submit.
  5. In Default Application Permissions, ensure that r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress are selected.
  6. Set the OAuth Redirect URL to https://site_url.com/hybridauth/endpoint?hauth.done=LinkedIn, and Integration URL to https://site_url.com.
  7. Your Client ID and Client secret are displayed.