Obtaining the Application setting values for Google

To enable the use of authentication credentials for Google, you must specify the application setting values for your Google account.

Note: You must have an account with Google to obtain the Application setting values.
Obtain your Client ID and Client Secret. The following instructions provide guidance on how to obtain a Client ID and Client Secret from Google, however, the actual steps may vary as the Google application is updated.
  1. Create a new application at https://console.developers.google.com, and select website as the platform that you want to use.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. On the developer homepage, search for and enable the following APIs:
    • Google People API
    • Google+ API
  4. Add credentials to your project, and create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  5. Configure the consent screen that will be shown to your users.
  6. Select Web application for the application type, and enter a name.
  7. Set Authorized JavaScript Origins to https://site_url.com, and Authorized Redirect URIs to https://site_url.com/hybridauth/endpoint?hauth.done=Google. After you have created the OAuth credentials, the Client ID and Client Secret are displayed.