Configuring Watson Knowledge Catalog integration

A project administrator can configure to enable integration with Watson Knowledge Catalog.


  1. Log in to the Open Shift Cluster where is deployed.
    oc login --server=${OCP_URL} --token=${OCP_TOKEN}
  2. Get the console deployments.
    oc get deployments
  3. Edit the lhconsole-ui deployment configuration.
    oc edit deployment lhconsole-ui
  4. In the deployment configuration, find the name of the config map and exit.
  5. Edit the config map.
    oc edit cm ibm-lhconsole-config-cm
  6. Modify the value of the LH_WKC flag to true in the config map.
    LH_WKC: "true"
  7. Find the name of the lhconsole-ui pod.
    oc get pods
  8. Delete the lhconsole-ui pod to make the changes made to the config map to be effective.
    oc delete pod podname
    Wait for the pod to be deleted successfully.
  9. Log in to the console and verify the Integrations tab is enabled in the Access control page which is used for Watson Knowledge Catalog integration.