Integrating with Watson Knowledge Catalog

Integrating IBM® with Watson Knowledge Catalog provides self-service access to data assets for knowledge workers who need to use those data assets to gain insights.

IBM stand-alone

Before you begin

Ensure that Integrations feature is enabled in web console. For details, see Configuring Watson Knowledge Catalog integration.
Note: The Integrations feature is disabled by default.

About this task

Watson Knowledge Catalog provides a secure enterprise catalog management platform that is supported by a data governance framework. A catalog connects people to the data and knowledge that they need.

A catalog is how you share assets across your enterprise:

  • Collaborators in a catalog have access to data assets without needing separate credentials or being able to see the credentials.
  • An asset in a catalog consists of metadata about data, including how to access the data, the data format, the classification of the asset, which collaborators can access the data and other types of metadata that describe the data


To integrate with Watson Knowledge Catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to console.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Access control.
  3. Click the Integrations tab. The Integrate service window opens.
  4. In the Integrate service window, provide the following details:
    Field Description
    Service Select the service (Watson Knowledge Catalog) to be integrated.
    URL Specify the service URL.
    Username Enter the name of the user.
    Password Enter the password.
  5. Click Integrate.
    The service is integrated and listed in the Access Control page.