Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.0

Server Notifications Connector

The Server Notifications Connector is an interface to the IBM® Tivoli® Directory Integrator (Tivoli Directory Integrator) notification system. It listens for and reports, as well as issues, Server API notifications. The Connector provides the ability to monitor various processes taking place in the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server, such as AssemblyLine stop and start process events, as well as issue custom server notifications.

The Server Notifications Connector supports the Iterator and AddOnly modes.

Iterator Mode

Depending on how it is configured the Server Notifications Connector in Iterator mode is capable of listening to and reporting either local or remote Server API notifications, but not both during the same Connector session.

The "Local" connection type should be used when the Connector is run in the same JVM as the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server which sends notifications.

The "Remote" connection type should be used when the Connector connects to a remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server run in a different JVM.

AddOnly Mode

The Connector in AddOnly mode sends Server API custom (that is, user-defined) notifications through either the local or the remote Server API session, but not both during the same Connector session.

The "Local" connection type should be used when the Connector is run in the same JVM as the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server which sends notifications.

The "Remote" connection type should be used when the Connector connects to a remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server run in a different JVM.

The data needed for creating the notification objects is retrieved from the conn Entry passed to the Connector by the AssemblyLine. The Connector looks for fixed-name Attributes in this Entry, retrieves their values, builds the notification object using these values and emits this notification object through the Server API. For more information about the fixed-name Attributes please see the "Schema" section.

Since each Server API notification also causes a corresponding JMX notification to be emitted, the Server Notifications Connector in AddOnly mode also indirectly sends JMX notifications. For more information about the details of custom notifications please see section Schema.


The Server Notifications Connector provides the option to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) when the connection type is set to remote. If the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator server accepts SSL connections only, the Server Notifications Connector automatically establishes an SSL connection provided that a trust store on the local Tivoli Directory Integrator Server is configured properly. When SSL is used, the Connector uses a Server API SSL session, which runs RMI over SSL.

Trust store

A trust store on the local Tivoli Directory Integrator Server is needed because when the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server fires a notification a new SSL connection to the local Tivoli Directory Integrator Server is created and in order for this new SSL connection session to be established the local Tivoli Directory Integrator Server must trust (through its trust store) the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server SSL certificate. A trust store is configured by setting the appropriate values for the javax.net.ssl.trustStore, javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword and javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType properties in the global.properties or solution.properties files.


SSL Authentication

The Server Notifications Connector is capable of authenticating by using a client SSL certificate. This is only possible when the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server API is configured to use SSL and to require clients to possess SSL client certificates. A trust store must be configured properly on the local Tivoli Directory Integrator server.

Username and Password Authentication

The Server Notifications Connector is capable of using the Server API username and password authentication mechanism. The desired username and password can be set as a Connector parameter, in which case the Connector will use the Server API username and password authentication mechanism. If SSL is used and a username and password have been supplied as Connector parameters, then the Connector will use the supplied username and password and not an SSL client certificate to authenticate to the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server.


The Server Notifications Connector uses the following parameters:

Connection Type
Determines whether the Server Notifications Connector will listen for and emit local or remote Server API notifications. The available values for this parameter are remote and local. local means that the Connector will only listen for and notifications in the local Java Virtual Machine. remote means that the Connector will connect to a remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server system and register for and emit notifications in the Java Virtual Machine of that remote system.
Specifies the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) URL used to connect to the remote Tivoli Directory Integrator Server system. This parameter is only taken into account if the connectionType parameter is set to remote. An example value for this parameter is:
Specifies the user name the Connector uses to authenticate to the Tivoli Directory Integrator server. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connection Type parameter is set to remote.
Specifies the password the Connector uses to authenticate to the Tivoli Directory Integrator server. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connection Type parameter is set to remote.
Filter Config Instance ID
Specifies a Config Instance ID, which the Connector will use to filter event notifications. If this parameter is specified, the Connector will only report notifications that have this Config Instance ID. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Filter Notification ID
Specifies a Notification ID, which the Connector will use to filter event notifications. If this parameter is specified the Connector will only report notifications which have the specified notification ID. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Timeout (seconds)
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a notification. After this timeout expires, the Connector will terminate. If this parameter value is set to "0", then the Connector will wait forever. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive All Server API Events
Specifies if "di.*" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive All Config Instance Events
Specifies if "di.ci.*" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive Config Instance Start Events
Specifies if "di.ci.start" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive Config Instance Stop Events
Specifies if "di.ci.stop" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive Configuration Updated Events
Specifies if "di.ci.file.updated" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive All AssemblyLine Events
Specifies if "di.al.*" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive AssemblyLine Start Events
Specifies if "di.al.start" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive AssemblyLine Stop Events
Specifies if "di.al.stop" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Receive Server Shutdown Event
Specifies if "di.server.stop" notifications will be received by the Connector. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Use Custom Notification
Specifies whether the Connector will receive any additional or custom notifications. If it is checked the additional/custom notifications can be specified in the Custom Notification types Connector parameter. This parameter is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Custom Notification types
Specifies the notification types of additional or custom Server API notifications which the Server Notifications Connector will listen to and report. Each notification type must be typed on a separate line. This parameter takes effect only if the Use Custom Notification parameter is true, and is only taken into account if the Connector mode is Iterator.
Turns on debug messages. This parameter is globally defined for all Tivoli Directory Integrator components.


Iterator mode

The Server Notifications Connector in Iterator mode sets the following Attributes in the Input Attribute Map:

The notification event object (com.ibm.di.api.DIEvent). It contains the complete information about the Server API event generated in the core of the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server.
The type of the notification event (java.lang.String). This Attribute specifies what has happened. An example value of this Attribute would be "di.al.start".
The notification ID (java.lang. String). This Attribute specifies the source of the event, that is, which Tivoli Directory Integrator component has fired this event. An example value of this Attribute would be "AssemblyLines/tcp".
The notification user data. (java.lang.Object). Optional user-defined information whose purpose is to convey more information related to the event, for example why the event happened, where the event happened, etc. This Attribute is only available if such user-data was actually passed on generating the event.

For AssemblyLine events this Attribute contains the AssemblyLine unique code, which can be used to unambiguously identify the AssemblyLine instance which has generated this event (for example "1709375019").

If the userData object is of type com.ibm.di.entry.Entry, then its Attributes are also mapped in the generated output Entry, so they can be directly accessed in the Assembly Line (for example, conn.getAttribute("event.userData.hostname") ) without a need of additional scripting in order to make them available.

The config instance ID (java.lang.String). The ID of the loaded and running config instance which has fired this event. An example value of this Attribute would be "C__dev_assembly_TCPServer.xml".
The date object stores the time and date when this notification was created. (java.util.Date).

AddOnly mode

The Server Notifications Connector in AddOnly mode expects to receive the following Attributes from the Output Attribute Map:

The type of the notification event (java.lang.String). This Attribute specifies what event the custom notifications signals. Since this is a user-defined event this can be any String. An example value of this Attribute would be "myAL.DBRecord.Committed". This Attribute's presence in the conn Entry is required. If this Attribute is missing from the conn Entry, then the Connector throws an Exception.

The value supplied by the user for this Attribute will be prefixed with the "user." prefix by the Connector when building the notification object. For example if the type passed by the user is "process.X.completed" the type of the event broadcasted will be "user.process.X.completed".

The notification ID (java.lang. String). This Attribute specifies the source of the event, that is, which Tivoli Directory Integrator component has fired this event. Since this is a user-defined event this can be any string, for example "myAssemblyLine_5". This Attribute's presence in the conn Entry is required. If this Attribute is missing from the conn Entry, then the Connector throws an Exception.
The notification user data. (java.lang.Object). Optional user-defined information whose purpose is to convey more information related to the event, for example why the event happened, where the event happened, etc. The presence of this Attribute in the conn Entry is optional.
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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.0