IBM Support

ECM product Forums - Use of correct tags to find information

Technical Blog Post


ECM product Forums - Use of correct tags to find information



Did you know IBM developerWorks (dW) now provides a Social forum called dwAnswers? The objective of this social media channel is to get all our ECM clients to participate and collaborate with each other.  In addition, ECM Support Team Members will answer your questions and queries.

Customers can search against dwAnswers to find out if an issue, that they are running into, has already been answered.  Or, they can post a new issue and also interact with others who may have solved a similar issue.

Sign up for a developerWorks account and start participating in dwAnswers forums.  To find ECM-related Questions/Answers, use the tag: ecmsupport.  To find specific ECM content, search on both ecmsupport and a product-specific tag.  Those product-specific tags are listed in the following Technote.  Using the correct tags will ensure you can find things more easily!


To access the Cloud Content Services (ECM) space, use this link.


dW Answers Tags

The table within this document lists the tags used when searching dwAnswers to find ECM product information. When using these tags in dW Answers, be sure to use ecmsupport as the Primary tag in your Search. The secondary tag would be one of the product tags shown below. As an example, to search for FileNet Content Manager content, use the following search:      +ecmsupport +p8






[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"FileNet Content Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

