IBM Support

WebSphere Application Server Migration (Profile & Application) and Java Switch

Technical Blog Post


WebSphere Application Server Migration (Profile & Application) and Java Switch



WebSphere Profiles:

For migrating WebSphere Application Server (WAS) itself (and its configuration), all the tools that you need already come with WAS V8.5.x.

You would use WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade to migrate your WebSphere Profiles or you can opt to use the Migration Wizard graphical interface to those tools to help facilitate and automate the task for you.

See the Migrating product configurations with migration tools section in the product documentation for more details.




There is also a handy Migration Toolkit available that can be very helpful to migrate your Applications from previous WebSphere 7.x or 8.x to 8.5.5 full profile or Liberty, and also from other 3rd party application servers such as JBoss, Tomcat, Weblogic and so forth.

For more information see:



Java 8:

Now, regarding switching WebSphere to point to the newer Java 8 from previous or default Java 6 or Java 7, you can use either the Admin Integrated Solutions Console or manageSDK command to accomplish this task.

Included below is a very detailed developerWorks article for pluggable SDK 7 (same for SDK 8) with accompanying screen images, as well as the standard WebSphere product documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center. Also included is an abridged reference article for quick reference:



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