

US Federal Government Industry Contracts

SEWP Program Office & Support Contacts

SEWP Program Office & Support Contacts
Contract #: NNG15SC15B
ISS orbiting over the end of the Amazon River
IBM Contacts

The IBM SEWP V team is interested in providing the best support possible. Getting you to the right resource quickly is key. SEWP Program Office is well equipped to handle questions related to how the contract works, but a question, for example, related to the performance of a tape drive is best handled through the Product and Support resources listed below. Please contact the Program Manager if your need cannot be addressed through these resources.

IBM SEWP V Program Office

Laura Smith |  Contract Administrator



Sandra Hall  |  Contract Administrator



SEWP Support

To obtain a SEWP quote please request it from the IBM sales representitive that you normally work with. If you do not have one, then please contact our SEWP Program Manager, Peter Chaplin, chaplin@us.ibm.com, 720-395-1463. He will conect you with the correct person.

IBM's policies regarding installation, warranty, and support vary by product. We urge you to state your specific needs when working with your sales representitive. That way they can include installation services, warranty upgrades or anything else you need for a succesful implementaion.

If you are experiencing any problems during any step in the SEWP process, please contact the IBM SEWP Program Manager.

Products & Support
Product Information IBM Marketplace Product pages Product Support

Hardware: 1-800-IBM-SERV

Software: IBM Support & downloads
Contract information Ordering Guide