Case Studies
Swiss RE - Db2 and Netezza
With 2.5 billion transactions and records,Swiss Re needed a solution with the flexibility and capacity to manage their growing data workloads and a system that would also scale to meet future data and analytics needs. This video describes how the IBM® IDAA DB2® analytics accelerator helped reach these goals.
Acquire insights across multiple international locations of claims information from numerous insurance companies to increase the understanding of risk, agility in identifying profitable segments, and the ability to make decisive decisions quickly by internal business users.
Deploy IBM zEnterprise™ System with IBM DB2 for z/OS® to perform data analysis and reporting from a central location, with IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA)—powered by IBM Netezza® technology—to deliver faster responses to individual analytic queries.
Increases satisfaction among internal business users by speeding report generation by 70 percent through faster query response times with IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS. Off-loads workloads, reducing processing costs. Implements transparently, without program modification, enabling fast and cost-effective installation.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012 IBM Corporation Systems and Technology Group Route 100 Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States of America February 2012
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