
Case Studies


MUFG Bank partnered with IBM Services for its MUFG Re-Imagining Strategy
Two business people talking in front of glass-front building

MUFG Bank embarked on their transformation journey with IBM in 2018. With this partnership, MUFG is able to automate processes and increase staff productivity.

Business Challenge

To remain competitive in the rapidly evolving financial services industry, MUFG Bank aimed to achieve business transformation through the use of digital technology.


MUFG Bank teamed up with IBM Services to transform its business model to automate processes and increase staff productivity across the globe.

Business Benefits Reduction
in operational cost
operational efficiency
in staff productivity
Business challenge story
Re-Imagining Strategy

To remain competitive in the rapidly evolving financial services industry, MUFG Bank embarked on the MUFG Re-Imagining Strategy in 2018, which aims to achieve business transformation through the use of digital technology. MUFG needed a technology partner to help them with this transformation.

We needed to automate processes and increase staff productivity across the globe Mike Truter Managing Director and Deputy Head of Systems Office for Asia MUFG Bank
Transformation Story
Accelerating Digital Reinvention

MUFG Bank teamed up with IBM Services to support its MUFG Re-Imagining Strategy that is designed to transform MUFG's business model with a focus on digitisation and delivering optimal solutions to customers. Leveraging technologies like Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and Robotic Process Automation, they streamlined and automated day-to-day operations. Working with IBM, MUFG Bank has accelerated digital reinvention and increased staff productivity.

Results Story

MUFG automated processes to improve operational efficiency, increase staff productivity while reducing operational costs.

MUFG logo

MUFG Bank (link resides outside ibm.com) is part of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, one of the world's largest and most diversified financial groups. In Asia, the bank has a presence across  20 markets and strategic partnerships with some of the region's biggest banks.

Solution components Business Strategy and Design Services
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February 2019 Produced in India

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