Honda Cars India

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Honda Cars India improves customer connection and services with IoT and cloud

Business Challenge

The global automotive industry is undergoing massive disruption. Hybrid, electric and autonomous vehicle is changing the industry altogether. Customer expectations and behavior are undergoing a sea change. People expect more technology features from their vehicles. As part of this paradigm shift, Honda Cars India Ltd. (HCIL) faces competition not just from traditional industry competitors but also from within the technology domain as customers demand more from their automobile ownership experience. HCIL knew it needed to sustain and evolve its business simultaneously. This would require a deep understanding of real customers’ needs supported by a robust customer management platform.


Honda Cars India knew it needed to sustain and evolve its business simultaneously through a deeper understanding of real customers’ needs, supported by a robust customer management platform. It worked with consultants from IBM Garage to create a new CRM platform based on the IBM IoT Connected Vehicle Insights solution running on IBM Cloud to boost safety, convenience and fun for its customers. Insights from the CRM solution will help Honda Cars India create an engaged customer experience while driving internal value for the future of the company.

To accelerate our work, we needed an agile collaborator that thrives on change; we found that in IBM. Masahiro Honda Director of Information Technology Honda Cars India Ltd
Solution components Watson IoT Platform
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