Case Studies
Future Group embarks on a journey to reduce carbon footprint and its energy consumption by deploying an IoT and AI based solution.
Future Group wanted to reduce carbon footprint and its energy consumption, which is expected to grow with store expansion.
Future Group engaged IBM Services® to monitor real-time electricity consumption and facilitate centralized energy management and automated alert systems by leveraging IoT, Big Data and Analytics.
in annual energy cost
customer experience
improves with reduced equipment failures
With a strong retail presence, Future Group spends significant amount annually in store energy cost, which is expected to grow with store expansion. Led by company’s sustainability program to reduce carbon footprint and a need to reduce its energy consumption by 10%, Future Group wanted an IoT and AI based solution that would integrate heterogeneous infrastructure consisting of legacy stores and new store to have a holistic view of its energy consumption.
IBM Services proposed a "Green Store" platform built on IBM® TRIRIGA® Building Insights solution to monitor real-time electricity consumption and facilitate centralized energy management and automated alert systems by leveraging IoT, Big Data and Analytics. The flexible and scalable SaaS based solution adapts to new consumption, weather and occupancy patterns to provide insights into key data points on Energy Usage and Wastage—offering predictions to future conditions leading to optimization of energy consumption and reduction in energy cost.
The proposed “Green Store” platform will lead to a reduction in carbon footprint and annual energy cost by 10% while improving asset maintenance with reduced equipment failures. The centralized energy management will also drive better customer experience.
Future Group (link resides outside of ibm.com), India’s largest retailer with notable presence in FMCG and integrated food industry, owns popular supermarket chains like Big Bazaar and lifestyle stores like Central and Brand Factory. The group has 1,500+ stores, which include a combination of small and large outlets, spread in more than 350 cities across the country.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019
Produced in India. February 2019
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