Webinar May 28: Cloud for Managed Services Providers – A Winning Combination

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We would like to invite you to this webinar focused on business partners (MSPs/CSPs/ISVs…) where we will see how to develop new opportunities based on cloud infrastructure.
Save the date: 28th of May at 11h CET (Central European Time)

Date: 28 May 2015
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Ireland Time)
Hosted by: Manuel Daza Barbadillo (IBM)
Presented by: Manuel Daza Barbadillo (IBM), Frank Haupt (IBM)

The points to cover will be:

– Cloud Challenges
– Introducing SoftLayer: Main differentiators
– References and customers cases
– MSP Program benefits, how to make money?
– Customer Portal

And of course all your questions will be more than welcome.

Registrer here https://ibm.biz/BPSoftLayer_May2 -> 28th of May

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