
VMware Solution Summit 2017

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IBM Cloud is proud to be a sponsor of VMware Solution Summit 2017.

VMware Solution Summit 2017  is a full day of innovation to accelerate the journey to a software-defined business and the digital workspace. Realize what is possible when we cover a wide range of topics, ranging from mobile devices to the data center and the cloud. We offer a full line-up of industry-leading insights, keynotes, breakout sessions and customer case studies, on the trends that matters most to your business and to IT.

IBM Cloud is also present with a booth, where we will do live demo’s of Vmware running on IBM Cloud and  see IBM Cloud Secure Virtualization in action. IBM Cloud secure virtualization is a solution stack that combines the power of IBM Bluemix bare metal servers and VMware Cloud Foundation, reinforced with HyTrust security software and Intel TXT-enabled hardware.

In addition to enhanced security, the solution provides the ability to utilize automation — from deployment to ongoing management — to support security policies and meet regulatory or industry compliance requirements through continuous monitoring and real-time reporting.

If you are an IT Professional looking to instigate transformation, become a virtualization expert or simplify your IT landscape, VMware Solution Summit 2017 is the event for you.

Join us for an unrivalled opportunity to hear from the experts on what’s new and upcoming in virtualization and cloud computing. Below you will find an overview of venues and dates for this event:

31 May – Copenhagen – Denmark

7 June – Oslo – Norway

13 June – Vilnius – Lithuania

Please register here.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to e-mail Michael Weis at MICWEIS@dk.ibm.com.



IBM Systems Marketing Manager - Nordics

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