Setting the asset intensive industries up for the future

Collaboration and information sharing is key to both improved business efficiency and more sustainable businesses across a broad range of asset intensive industries. That is why Sharecat developed a unique information exchange platform, supported by IBM Cloud, in a secure and optimized environment. The platform offers individual users across various industries an opportunity to benefit from the efforts of thousands with a platform constructed to provide […]

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Addressing the challenges for compliance for the Swedish financial sector – management of risk and costs for compliance

Claes Norgren, Managing Director IBM Promontory Compliance in the financial sector is a critical aspect to ensure that financial institutions adhere to the rules and regulations that govern their operations. With technological advancements in recent years, it has become increasingly important for financial institutions to understand the impact on compliance in order to benefit from […]

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IBM Sweden working for a more sustainable future together with start-ups

In 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution containing 17 Sustainable Development Goals – now more commonly known as SDGs. For these goals to be reached we need to have a collective outlook on how to go about solving the problems we are facing and without addressing the three major dimensions of sustainability […]

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Equinor successfully moves content repositories to the cloud

Equinor now has a new content services platform from IBM.  —This is a solid contribution to our “cloud first strategy “, and an important element in the continued digitalization of Equinor. We now have a modern, stable, and secure system. This ensures availability on a modern infrastructure, says Jone Solberg, Product Lead, Equinor.  Equinor is the largest company […]

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IBM:s nya partnerprogram erbjuder svenska företag utökade affärsincitament och kompetensutveckling

IBM Partner Plus erbjuder större kontroll över tillväxtmöjligheter, tillgång till IBM:s kompetensutvecklingsinsatser och stöd för ökad lönsamhet. IBM:s relation till ekosystemet är någonting som är väldigt viktigt inte enbart globalt, men även lokalt i Sverige. Organisationen jobbar aktivt för att kunna erbjuda det bästa för att värna om relationen till ekosystempartners samt bygga långvariga relationer […]

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Slik flyttet Equinor 15.000 tonn med dokumenter opp i skyen

Equinor har fått et helt nytt arkivsystem ved hjelp av løsninger fra IBM. -Dette er et solid bidrag til vår sky først-strategi, og et viktig element i digitaliseringen av Equinor. Med dette prosjektet har vi fått en moderne, stabil og sikker arkivløsning. Dette sikrer tilgjengelighet, på en moderne infrastruktur, sier produkteier Jone Solberg. Med drøye 22.000 […]

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Tietoa IBM Suomesta

Vuonna 1911 perustettu muutos- ja teknologiayhtiö IBM on toiminut Suomessa vuodesta 1923. IBM Suomen pääkonttori on sijainnut Helsingin Munkkiniemessä vuodesta 1979. Keväällä 2023 pääkonttori muuttaa Kallioon uuten Lyyraan. IBM:n ytimessä ovat teknologia ja asiantuntemus. Yhtiö tarjoaa infrastruktuuria, ohjelmistoja (mukaan lukien markkinajohtaja Red Hat) sekä konsultointipalveluita auttamaan asiakkaita näiden liiketoimintojen digitalisoimisessa.   Vuonna 2020 IBM osti helsinkiläisen Nordcloudin, joka on Euroopan johtava […]

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New enablement materials for IBM Ecosystem Partners

On October 4th, IBM announced a revamped skilling program available for partners. The skilling and badging program is now available to our partners in the same way that it is available for IBMers, at no cost. This is something that our partners have shared, they want more expertise – more opportunities to sharpen their technical […]

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Data Democratization – making data available

One of the trending buzzwords of the last years in my world is “Data Democratization”. Which this year seems to have been complemented by “Data Fabric” and “Data Mesh”. What it is really about the long-standing challenge of making data available. It is another one of these topics that often gets the reaction “How hard […]

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