
IBM InterConnect 2017

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IBM InterConnect 2017 in Las Vegas was a huge success with more than 20.000 participants.

The Nordic region had the largest delegation of customers and Business Partners from any market outside US, and we had a long list of Nordic customer and Business Partner speakers at the open sessions at the conference.

If you missed the conference you can see the replays on IBMGO and read the article in Forbes “How IBM has become a serious contender in the Interprise Cloud Services Market” and watch the Bloomberg video “Why IBM is investing in Blockchain”.

Next years IBM InterConnect will take place on March 18 to 22, 2018 in Las Vegas. Join us and block your diary already now.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact me at JANSIMON@dk.ibm.com.




Director IBM Hybrid Cloud & Analytics Software Nordic

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