IBM Bluemix Garage

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So everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is talking disruption. Disruption might actually be a more used buzzword than cloud. Moreover, ironically those two terms are interlinked and mutually dependent – cloud feeds disruption and disruption can’t happen without cloud.

The IBM Garage uses innovative approaches and agile methods to help companies innovate and be disruptive. So, what does that all mean? Many mid-level managers and c-level manager are being pushed to be disruptive and foresee the next “überization” of their industry. That might be quite difficult  – how is a e.g. product development manager in a pharma company to foresee the disruption of a consumer skincare solution from a technology company, who is not a subject to the same regulatory laws?

Nonetheless, this is exactly what the IBM Garage is there for – driving innovation. We use methods and theories leveraging Design Thinking to help companies innovate and break their thoughts of habit. At the end of the first phase, called Design Thinking Workshop, we end up with a definition to a solution (MVP) that has the minimum viability to address one of the company’s pain points or business opportunities. The defined solution is not a massive change, but a small tangible project that can validate the business opportunity and help drive organisational change.

You can learn more about IBM Bluemix Garage here and contact us for pricing here.

I’m here to help  and to answer any questions you may have at

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