
Arrow Security Inspiration

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IBM has together with other IT cooperations partnered up to present the Event: “Arrow Security Inspiration“. IT security is probably the subject of the global IT industry that has peaked most in recent years. The threat of hackers and IT criminals against citizens, businesses and authorities has moved very close, and the digital attacks are becoming more and increasingly advanced.

The government’s national strategy, with an investment of DKK 1.5 billion to Denmark’s cyber and information security, demonstrates how important it is to strengthen our ability to defend ourselves against these cyber attacks.

Control the latest trends?
On Arrow Security Inspiration Day you will be presented with the latest trends and technologies in IT security. Topics such as cybercrime, GDPR, IOT, backup and security in the network as well as in the data center are topical topics of the day. Get inspiration for how to navigate around the current threat image to better assess your setup and meet the dynamic threat image.

Should your SOC be controlled by processor or products?

Besides partnering up I will discuss the topic: Should your SOC be controlled by processor or products?

This presentation will take place from: 12.45 – 13.15.

Information regarding the topic:
False security is the worst form of security you can have. Believing that one can resist an attack, then experiencing the opposite can cost your business. We are looking at solutions from Detect, Respond and Investigate, and contrast it with the process recommended by IBM in an SOC.

The event is free, so all you have to do is save the date and register on the link below.

Date: 14th of November 2018
Time: 09-16.30
Register: Here
Agenda: Here

We are looking forward to you joining us on this day.

For any further questions do not to hesitate to contact me at NBA@dk.ibm.com,

Sales Lead Nordic Security Intelligence IBM Software Sales

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