Starting my IBM Career Journey as a Project Management Officer

Georgi - a female IBM Project Management Officer in Romania

Georgiana – or as she prefers to be called – Georgi – works in our Romania IBM Consulting Client Innovation Center (one of our Global Delivery Centers; more on this below.) Georgi studied Cybernetics at University, and before joining IBM, she went through an internship experience in the field of financial audit. One of her early career goals was to transition into a career in IT since it was her field of study.

Now, she’s a Project Management Officer (PMO) in our Romania Delivery Center, where she can contribute to the final delivery for clients, gain a much better perspective of her personal growth and development, and work in a role closer to her passion, Cybernetics.

Georgi joined one of our innovative IBM Consulting Global Delivery Centers, which offer technology solutions and expert consulting services to clients globally, using a talented team of professionals and cutting-edge tools. The goal of these centers is to drive clients’ digital transformation and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

  • They exist across 170 countries globally with more than 20% of new hires coming straight from universities.
  • Over 75+ languages are spoken in our Delivery Centers world-wide, which ensures we can service clients effectively anywhere in the world.
  • Our center in Romania (which is part of our European Delivery Centers) focuses on many different segments of business, from Business Analytics & Strategy and Application Development to Cognitive Process Transformation & Cloud Apps.


Georgi says she’s fascinated by the opportunity this center has provided her to develop herself professionally. “It’s been a great chance to grow my skillset and experiences with so many amazing tracks and employees. It’s provided me with numerous resources, exposure to diverse projects, and access to training and development programs,” she said. Georgi is also planning to take on a new role within the IBM Delivery Center in the future and will continue to work on her learning badges and digital certifications. She recently completed her ITIL Certification in Service Management.

Georgi also highlights that she’s in constant communication with her manager who is overseeing her professional development and enabling her future career progression.

She recalls the struggle she had when she first started in the Delivery Center as an intern. “At first, I felt a bit of pressure, as I was worried about whether I could learn everything in time.” Georgi goes on to share that her colleagues were very supportive, which gave her the confidence she needed to push on. “I realized that it’s very important to enjoy and be confident in what you’re doing in order to succeed at the job,” Georgi said.

One of the things Georgi likes about her work is IBM’s emphasis on employee well-being. “The IBM Consulting Romania Delivery Center really empowers you to put a big focus on your personal development and overall well-being, not just your work,” she said. She’s had the opportunity to join multiple sessions on personal development, including a festival on mental health coordination, which was hosted by the local branch of the IBM Delivery Center in Romania.



Georgi also emphasized that she feels respected as a woman at IBM. “I found more than I was expecting in terms of a culture and inclusivity, especially for women. We have women’s networking groups, mentorship programs, and opportunities for women to lead and participate in initiatives that promote gender equality in the workplace. Additionally, IBM regularly conducts diversity and inclusivity training and workshops, which helps to create an inclusive environment for all employees,” she said.

Georgi is super motivated in her job and is always looking for ways to improve and grow in her career. “I’m trying to figure out what I want to do next. I’m very excited about the wide array of educational opportunities IBM provides and want to take advantage of as many of the opportunities as possible to help me achieve my career goals and pursue my next role within the Romania Delivery Center.”

Overall, her experience has exceeded her expectations. “I’ve been very impressed. I was overjoyed to find such an inclusive corporate culture that was so focused on the wellbeing of its employees and that goes above and beyond to enable every IBMer to bring their authentic selves to work, every day,” she said.



Grow Your Career in IBM Consulting

IBM Consulting has a wide variety of trainings, mentorship programs, and learning resources that allow Georgi to expand her knowledge and skills in different areas such as IT Architecture, DevOps, middleware, and many others.

Georgi’s currently working through IBM’s course on Project Management, and thanks to all these opportunities, she’s confident she can continue to grow and succeed at IBM.

If you’re interested in the work Georgi does or would like to learn more about our career opportunities in IBM Consulting or as a part of our Global Delivery Centers, please visit our careers website.

If you don’t see any open roles that align with your skills and interests at the moment, please consider joining our Talent Network to receive updates on career opportunities that match your interests and skills.