Announcements, news, and stories of how IBM and its business partners are helping to drive the digital transformation of government.

Putting citizens at the center of government services with AI

4 min read - As governments around the globe continue experimenting with the use of AI, and looking into ways to tap into foundational models offered by generative AI, one important question stands out: How will citizens benefit from the technology? The public sector is called just that for a reason: the public should always be the priority. Not only can AI help improve certain services people rely on every day, but it can also help bridge the gap between local government, its employees…

What can AI and generative AI do for governments?

5 min read - Few technologies have taken the world by storm the way artificial intelligence (AI) has over the past few years. AI and its many use cases have become a topic of public discussion no longer relegated to tech experts. AI—generative AI, in particular—has tremendous potential to transform society as we know it for good, boost productivity and unlock trillions in economic value in the coming years. AI’s value is not limited to advances in the private sector. When implemented in a…

UK Government tests frictionless trade models with Ecosystem of Trust pilots

2 min read - The UK government’s Ecosystem of Trust is a potential future border model for frictionless trade, which the UK government committed to pilot testing from October 2022 to March 2023. The pilots made supply chain data directly accessible to the government, used new technologies to preserve goods’ physical integrity and considered how trusted relationships could enable certain controls to be performed by industry rather than the government. IBM Consulting™ and Maersk led a consortium that included Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe, Maritime…

Five recommendations for federal agencies to use the cloud to accelerate modernization

3 min read - One of the most distinguishing things about our federal government is its broad scope of services. No other institution is responsible for doing so much for so many, so quickly, in an ever-changing landscape. No other institution must respond simultaneously to such a breadth of challenges that have only been amplified over the last few years. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, many federal agencies kicked their digital transformations into high gear to help enhance public services, embrace a remote…

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