IBM supply chain solutions enhance supply chains with the power of AI and the speed of automation to achieve resiliency and sustainability in your supply chain operations. Browse these curated knowledge articles on topics ranging from Supply Chain sustainability explained to governmental regulations and trends with the potential to impact your operations and strategy.

MRO spare parts optimization

4 min read - Many managers in asset-intensive industries like energy, utilities or process manufacturing, perform a delicate high-wire act when managing inventory. Finding the right balance becomes crucial for helping ensure the success of maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) initiatives, specifically the spare parts that support them. What’s at stake? Whether MRO processes address preventive maintenance, service failures or shutdown overhauls, the wanted results are the same: deliver increased service levels, function safely and sustainably, operate efficiently and reduce unplanned and costly downtime.…

Supply Chain Optimization: Business scenarios and architecture

2 min read - The pandemic has brought supply chain to focus, and organizations recognize dynamic supply assurance as a critical capability for their business. Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCO) and other executives seek to optimize their supply chain by infusing AI, modernizing their technology and addressing sustainability goals. Over the next decade, CSCOs will need to solve key industry challenges: supply chain disruptions due to climate events; regional conflicts such as Ukraine or Middle East; the desire for convenience and personalization; awareness of…

iFoodDS and IBM forge new path to food safety with IBM Food Trust™

4 min read - Picture this: You're at your local supermarket, eagerly exploring the fresh produce section. You carefully select a carton of ripe, juicy fresh-cut strawberries, envisioning them as the star ingredient in your weekend's mouthwatering desserts. You're all set to enjoy a delightful culinary adventure. But as you savor your first bite of a luscious strawberry shortcake, you receive a notification on your smartphone. It's breaking news: a food recall alert! Panic ensues as you wonder if those very strawberries are part…

The Orion blockchain database: Empowering multi-party data governance

7 min read - Blockchain databases were designed to enhance trust in centralized ecosystems by incorporating tamper-evidence features into traditional databases. They are easier to use and can reduce operational and development costs compared to decentralized ledger technologies. However, existing blockchain databases lack efficient tools for multiple parties to control shared data on the ledger. Orion is an open source blockchain database that provides unique capabilities, such as multi-signature and proof functionalities, along with extensive key-level access control. These features empower parties to jointly…

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