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Strengthen data privacy protection, build customer trust and grow your business
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Protect your privacy

Organizations that go beyond simple regulatory compliance can build trust with customers and stand out from competitors. IBM Security® solutions help you to deliver trusted customer experiences and to grow your business with a holistic, adaptive approach to data privacy based on zero trust principles and proven data privacy protection.


Explore comprehensive data privacy and compliance solutions with IBM Guardium

Preserving Customer Privacy with Zero Trust

2024 X-Force® Threat Intelligence Index

Learn how to safeguard your people and data from cyberattacks. Get deeper insight into attackers’ tactics and recommendations to proactively protect your organization.

Get the latest threat intelligence
Benefits of data privacy Understand data risk

Assess data usage and risk against customer and regulatory responsibilities.

Secure data sharing

Protect personal data with security controls to deliver trusted experiences.

Automate incidence response

Respond efficiently to remediate risk and compliance issues and to scale more easily.

IBM Guardium Discover and Classify

IBM Security and 1touch.io have partnered to bring you data discovery for privacy and security. Take advantage of accurate, scalable and integrated discovery and classification of structured and unstructured data across all environments.

Learn more about IBM Discover and Classify
Data privacy solutions Comprehensive data protection

IBM Guardium® software provides advanced data security that’s integrated and scalable.

Explore Guardium now Book a free product demo
Consent management

IBM Verify delivers privacy-aware consumer identity and access management.

Explore Verify Try Verify for free
Faster incident response

IBM QRadar® SOAR accelerates cyber resilience and enables automation of repetitive tasks.

Explore SOAR Book a free product demo
Data resilience

Flash storage solutions for storage data protection and cyber resilience promote operational continuity, better performance and lower infrastructure costs.

Explore flash storage solutions
Data governance

IBM Cloud Pak for Data provides tools to create a governed data foundation to accelerate data outcomes and address privacy and compliance requirements.

Explore the data governance use case Try Cloud Pak for Data for free
Data privacy services Data privacy policy services

Access privacy services that help you establish rules for handling and using protected information.

Explore privacy services
Data security services

Collaborate with data security experts to protect your most sensitive data.

Explore data security services
Risk and compliance services

Manage your security risks and compliance by teaming with data privacy consultants.

Explore risk services
Resources Cost of a Data Breach report

Data breach costs have hit a new high. Get insights on how to reduce these costs from the experiences of 604 organizations and 3,556 cybersecurity and business leaders.

Cyberthreat report

Get crucial insight into trends in the cyberthreat landscape. The latest X-Force Threat Intelligence Index can help you analyze risks and understand threats relevant to your industry.

Operationalize privacy

Find a set of balanced controls for GDPR and beyond in 5 key technologies.

New regulatory challenges

GDPR was first, but it caused a ripple effect for other data privacy regulations.

Five common data security pitfalls

Explore this e-book and learn how to improve your data security and compliance posture.

The Importance of Modern-Day Data Security Platforms

Learn about key best practices that companies should prioritize when picking out a solution to help meet their data security and compliance needs.

Next steps

How can we help? Contact us now to schedule a meeting with an IBM expert.

Why data privacy matters

Key insights and considerations for building a strong data privacy program.

Read the ebook