No fees. No credit card or adware. Just download a single, full-featured version of the Db2 Community License that you can use for as long as you like.
Install on a laptop or workstation and deploy almost anywhere. Test prototype work in a live environment by deploying in a data center and join an active user community to find education, code samples and events.
Memory limit = 16 GB and Core limit = 4 cores
No fees. No credit card or adware. Just download a single, full-featured version of the Db2 Community License that you can use for as long as you like.
What you can do when you download Db2:Install on a laptop or workstation and deploy almost anywhere. Test prototype work in a live environment by deploying in a data center and join an active user community to find education, code samples and events.
Limits of the Community License:Memory limit = 16 GB and Core limit = 4 cores