
You can view and manage all the data about a client from a single location. You can filter the data to show only the most recent updates and see a full history of changes. Some read-only data might come from other systems, such as a hospital electronic medical record (EMR) system.

Note: Coverage and Observation data is visible only if is received from other systems. This data is read-only and cannot be manually added or modified. Updates to clinical and vitals records from other systems are applied overnight by IBM Watson Care Manager.
Data page diagram
  1. You can filter the data to show updates that were made during a specific number of days, for example, in the last 30 days.
  2. You can click a general category (Contact, Demographics, Background, Clinical, or Vitals) to view the details. For each category, the most recently updated records are listed first.

    Your organization can configure custom data types for example, Procedures or Contact Tracing, which can be grouped into one of the general categories or listed after the categories.

  3. You can see the details of each record. For example, for a medication you see dosage, strength, route, start date, and date of the most recent update.
  4. For most data types, you can sort the data list view by Description, Date, and Updated On. You cannot sort the Vitals data list view by Description. The records sort in ascending or descending order based on your selection. To sort the laboratory tests data by date, only use the start date.
  5. For medication data, you can sort the values entered in the Currently Taking column to identify which medications the client is taking. The values are sorted in the following order: Yes, No, Unknown, blank.
  6. By default, the list of medications displays active records in alphabetical order. Active medications are medications with an active status with an end date in the future or today. If more than one medication records exist with the same name, the list displays the record with the most recent date first.
  7. For Clinical and Vitals data, you can filter a client's records to display only information that you want to see. By default, preselected filters are applied to the following data types. Click the filter icon and clear the filter to show all items, or apply other filters.
    • Allergy - Active Allergy (Default display)
    • Medication - Active (Default display)
    • Blood Pressure - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Body Mass Index - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Body Temperature - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Heart Rate - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Height - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Oxygen Saturation - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Respiratory Rate - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Waist Circumference - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Waist-toHeight Ratio - Status is Completed (Default display)
    • Weight - Status is Completed (Default display)
  8. You can expand each record to see full details, including the change history. The date displayed is either the start date of the record or, if the start date is not available, the creation date of the record.
    Note: For medication data, if the start date of the medication is not available, the Date field displays an appropriate date based on which date is entered in the record. In the following order, the date might be the medication start date, ordered date, prescribed date, fill date, or last refill date, depending on which date is entered. If no date is available, the date is the record creation date.
  9. The data list view applies pagination when more than 50 data records are available for a data type. You can scroll and click the page number links to view the records.
  10. You can click the Add icon for a particular data type to add a data record.
  11. You can use the New action to add a record from the list of data types.