Default non-configurable client data types in Watson Care Manager

By default, a library of client data types is included in the application so that a care team can quickly capture and maintain client data across several common areas. If a suitable client data type does not exist in the library of configured data types, you can create a new client data type for the team to use.

A list follows of the default client data types and the preconfigured categories that they are grouped into. You cannot modify or delete these data types or categories. These client data types are non-configurable.

Contact data type category

Records address information for the client such as their home and mailing address.
Contact Preferences
Records the preferred contact type and language to use when you are communicating with the client.
Email Address
Records email addresses to use when you are communicating with the client.
Phone Number
Records phone numbers such as home and mobile numbers.
Social Network Contact
Records details about a client’s social network of friends, family, neighbors, and carers.

Demographic data type category

Birth and Death
Records the client's birth and death details.
Records the gender of the client.
Records different types of identification for the client.
Marital Status
Records the marital status of the client.
Records any names that the client uses such as their registered name or alternative names.

Background data type category

Health background

Records background information about a client's health.

Personal background

Records background information about a client.

Social background

Records background information about a client's social environment.

Clinical data type category

Records allergy information for the client.
Records condition information for the client.
Records medical insurance or insurance plan information for the client that is received from an external system. This data type is visible by the care team only if your instance of Watson Care Manager is integrated with an external system.
Laboratory Test
Records laboratory test information for the client.
Records medication information for the client.
Records observation information for the client that is received from an external system. This data type is visible by the care team only if your instance of Watson Care Manager is integrated with an external system.
Records risk information for the client.

Vitals data type category

Blood Pressure
Records blood pressure information for the client.
Body Mass Index
Records body mass index information for the client.
Body Temperature
Records body temperature information for the client.
Heart Rate
Records heart rate information for the client.
Records height information for the client.
Oxygen Saturation
Records blood oxygen level information for the client.
Respiratory Rate
Records the respiratory rate information for the client.
Waist Circumference
Records waist circumference information for the client.
Waist-to-Height Ratio
Records the waist-to-height ratio information for the client.
Records weight information for the client.

You can configure more client data types to suit your requirements. Examples of other client data types that you can configure are a client's addiction counseling visits or family history information.