Install OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i

Install OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i using the standard installation procedures for a licensed program on IBM® i. A default text server is created, and the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table is populated with default server information. Optionally, you can add additional text search servers after the install.

Populate the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table

OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i is the licensed program 5733-OMF from IBM. See Installing additional licensed programs for details about how to install a licensed program. To find this product, enter GO LICPGM from the command line and select option 10 (Display installed licensed programs). It is displayed under the list of licensed programs.

The QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table contains information about the IBM OmniFind Text Search Servers installed and available for DB2 for i. When the OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i product is first installed, a default text server is created on the IBM i system. The QSYS.SYSTEXTSERVERS table is also populated with default server information.

Create additional text search servers

If you are using text search servers on a remote IBM system, or if you are using non-IBM servers such as a Windows or Linux server, explicitly populate this table by issuing an SQL INSERT statement.

If you want to populate the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table with additional servers, follow these steps on the SQL INSERT:
  1. Specify the server port number and server name for each text search server on the SERVERPORT column and SERVERNAME columns of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table by issuing an SQL INSERT statement.
  2. Specify the authentication token from each text search server on the SERVERAUTHTOKEN column of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table on the SQL INSERT statement.

    When the DB2 database communicates with a text search server, an authentication token is required. This token is generated on the text search server during the installation.

  3. Specify the server key for each text search server on the SERVERMASTERKEY column of QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table SQL INSERT statement.
  4. OPTIONAL: Specify an ALIASNAME for the server on the ALIASNAME column. This ALIASNAME can be used to refer to the server on subsequent operations.


The following example of an SQL INSERT statement copies the required information for a text search server to the columns in the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS table:

The example values must be replaced with the actual values for the server.