QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS administration table

You can see where the text search servers are installed using the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS administration table.

The following table shows the contents of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS administration table. The unique key for this table is the SERVERNAME column with the SERVERPORT column. The primary key is the SERVERID column.

Table 1. Contents of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS administration table
Column name Data type Nullable? Description
SERVERID INTEGER No Uniquely generated ID for the text search server.
SERVERNAME VARCHAR(128) No The host name or IP address of the text search server.
SERVERADRINFO VARBINARY(3000) Yes The internal representation of the SERVERNAME and SERVERPORT as determined by the SYSPROC.SYSTS_START stored procedure.
SERVERPORT INTEGER No The port number for the text search server.
SERVERPATH VARCHAR(512) No The server path for the text search server.
SERVERTYPE INTEGER No The server type for the text search server. The value 0 (zero) indicates an IBM® i text search server. The value 1 indicates a Linux text search server. The value 2 indicates a Windows text search server.
SERVERAUTHTOKEN VARCHAR(256) No The authentication token for the text search server.
SERVERMASTERKEY VARCHAR(36) No The server key for the text search server.
SERVERCLASS INTEGER No The server class for the text search server. The value 0 (zero) indicates a production server, available for automatic selection. the value 9 indicates a test server, never allocated automatically.
SERVERSTATUS INTEGER No Indicates whether the server can be used as a text search server to create new text search indexes. The default value is 0 (zero), which means that the server can be used.
ALIASNAME VARCHAR(128) Yes Alias name is unique when not null and is case sensitive.