System values: System and user defaults overview

You can use IBM® i system and user defaults system values to control system-level values.

To access the system and user defaults category of system values from System i® Navigator, select Configuration and Services and then select System Values.

System i Navigator uses descriptive names for system values. The following table provides an overview of the system and user defaults system values available in System i Navigator (and their counterparts in the character-based interface).

Table 1. System and user defaults system values
Name in System i Navigator Description of system value Name in command interface
Assistance level This system value sets the assistance level for you system. QASTLVL
Attention program This system value specifies the attention program to use on your system. QATNPGM
Console name This system value displays the console name for your system. QCONSOLE
Use type-ahead feature This system value sets the type-ahead function. You can also select to use the Attention key buffering option. QKBDBUF
Model number This system value displays the model number of your system. QMODEL
Processor feature code This system value displays the processor feature code for your system. QPRCFEAT
Processor multitasking This system value specifies whether processor multitasking is on, off, or system controlled. QPRCMLTTSK
Default user environment This system value sets the default user environment. QSPCENV
Serial number This system value displays the serial number for your system. QSRLNBR