System and user defaults system values: Assistance level

The Assistance level system value is also known as QASTLVL. You can use this system value to specify the assistance level for your system users.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > System and User Defaults > User.
Special authority None.
Default value Basic.
Changes take effect The next time a user signs on to the system.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can control the level of displays available for users of the system. Displays intended for less experienced users provide a higher level of assistance than displays intended for expert users.

This system value has the following values:

Basic (*BASIC)
Operational assistant level of system displays is available.
Intermediate (*INTERMED)
Intermediate level of system displays is available.
Advanced (*ADVANCED)
Advanced level of system displays is available.