
The NULLIND keyword allows you to explicitly define the %NULLIND value for a field or data structure.

When the NULLIND keyword is specified for an item, the parameter for the keyword is used as the null-indicator, null-indicator array, or null-indicator data structure for the item being defined.

You can omit the parameter for the NULLIND keyword if the item being defined is not a data structure. In that case, the variable or array is null-capable, but the null-indicators must be addressed by using the %NULLIND built-in function.

An indicator specified as a parameter to a NULLIND keyword can be addressed either by its name, or by the %NULLIND built-in function for the associated item. For example, if field myField is defined with NULLIND(myNullind), then %NULLIND(myField) and myNullind both represent the indicator myNullind. If array data structure myDs is defined with NULLIND(myDsNulls), then myDsNulls(i).addr and %NULLIND(myDs(i).addr) both represent the indicator myDsNulls(i).addr.

  • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword must be identical to the item being defined in every way other than the data type of the subfields.
    • If the item is a data structure, it must be an externally-described data structure. The parameter for the NULLIND keyword must also be externally-described with the extract-type for the EXTNAME or LIKEREC keyword as the item, with the addition of the *NULL parameter.
    • The NULLIND keyword cannot be specified for an individual external subfield. Subfields of externally-described data structures are automatically defined as null-capable if the external field is null-capable. To define a specific indicator as the null-indicator for an externally-described subfield, you must define an externally-described null-indicator data structure and associate it with the externally-described data structure.
    • The NULLIND keyword cannot be specified for a program-described data structure. The NULLIND keyword can be specified for additional program-described subfields of an externally-described data structure, but the null-indicators for program-described subfields will not be considered when the data structure is used with an I/O operation.
    • If the item is an array, the parameter for the NULLIND keyword must also be an array, with the same dimension.
    • If the item is a subfield, the parameter for the NULLIND keyword must be a subfield in the same data structure. If the data structure is qualified, the parameter for the NULLIND keyword must be specified without the qualifying data structure name. See the example below.
    • Fields that are defined with the LIKE keyword, or data structures that are defined with the LIKEDS keyword do not inherit the NULLIND keyword for the parameter of the LIKE or LIKEDS keyword. However, data structures that defined with the LIKEDS keyword do inherit the relationships defined by the NULLIND keywords specified for the subfields of the data structure specified as the parameter of the NULLIND keyword. See the example below.
    • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword must have the same scope and the same storage type as the item. For example, if the item is a static field in a subprocedure, the parameter for the NULLIND keyword must also be a static field in the same subprocedure.
    • When the NULLIND keyword is specified for a prototyped parameter
      • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword is required.
      • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword must be another parameter in the parameter list.
      • OPTIONS(*NULLIND) is not allowed for the parameter
  • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword cannot be null-capable or have null-capable subfields.
  • The parameter for the NULLIND keyword can be specified for only one item.
  • The NULLIND keyword is allowed only if the ALWNULL(*USRCTL) keyword is in effect.


  • In the following example, field DUEDATE is defined with the NULLIND keyword with no parameter. The null-indicator for DUEDATE is addressed by using the %NULLIND built-in function.
        dcl-s dueDate date nullind;
        if not %nullind(dueDate) and dueDate > %date();
           sendReminder (custId : dueDate);
  • In the following example, array empBonus is defined with the NULLIND keyword with parameter empBonus_null. empBonus_null is also defined as an array with the same dimension. The null-indicator for empBonus can be addressed by using either the %NULLIND built-in function or the empBonus_null array.
    The two FOR loops behave the same:
    1. In the first FOR loop, the null-indicator is used directly.
    2. In the second FOR loop, the %NULLIND is used.
        dcl-c MAX_EMPLOYEES 50;
        dcl-s empBonus packed(5:2) dim(MAX_EMPLOYEES) nullind(empBonus_null);
        dcl-s empBonus_null ind dim(MAX_EMPLOYEES);
        dcl-s numEmployees int(10);
        for i = 1 to numEmployees;
           if not empBonus_null(i); //  1 
              applyBonus (emp(i) : empBonus(i));
        for i = 1 to numEmployees;
           if not %nullind(empBonus(i)); //  2 
              applyBonus (emp(i) : empBonus(i));
  • In the following example of a trigger program, data structure beforeDs is defined with EXTNAME(*INPUT), and data structure beforeNull is defined with EXTNAME(*INPUT : *NULL). Data structure beforeNull is specified as the null-indicator data structure for data structure beforeDsl. The subfields of the beforeNull data structure can be addressed either by their names, or by using the %NULLIND built-in function with the subfields of the beforeDsl data structure.
    The two IF statements behave the same:
    1. In the first IF statement, the null-indicator is used directly.
    2. In the second IF statement, %NULLIND is used to address the null-indicator.
        dcl-ds before extname('CUSTFILE':*input) based(pBefore)
                      nullind(beforeNull) end-ds;
        dcl-ds beforeNull extname('CUSTFILE':*input:*null) based(pBeforeNull)
        pBefore = %addr(trgbuf) + trgbuf.beforeOffset;
        pBeforeNull = %addr(trgbuf) + trgbuf.beforeNullMapOffset;
        if beforeNull.quantity; //  1 
        if %nullind(beforeDs.quantity); //  2 
  • In the following example, qualified data structure ds1 has two subfields that are defined with the NULLIND keyword.
    1. When subfields sub1_null and sub2_null are specified as the parameters for the NULLIND keywords, they are specified without being qualified by the data structure name.
    2. When the subfields of data structure DS1 are used in calculations, they are qualified by the data structure name, since the data structure is qualified.
        dcl-ds ds1 qualified;
           sub1 char(10) nullind(sub1_null);  1 
           sub2 likerec(custRec:*input) nullind(sub2_nulls);  1 
           sub1_null ind;
           sub2_nulls likerec(custRec:*input:*null);
        if ds1.sub1_null  2 
        or ds1.sub2_nulls.quantity;  2 ;
  • The following example shows how the null-indicator relationship for subfields is inherited by a data structure that is defined with the LIKEDS keyword, but null-capability is not inherited by a field that is defined with the LIKE keyword.
    1. Data structure DS2 is defined with the LIKEDS keyword with data structure DS1 specified as the parameter. Refer to the example above for the definition of DS1.
    2. Field FLD1 is defined with the NULLIND keyword.
    3. Field FLD2 is defined with the LIKE keyword with field FLD1 specified as the parameter. FLD2 is not null-capable, since null-capability is not inherited by the LIKE keyword.
    4. The null-indicator relationships for the subfields of DS2 are inherited from the NULLIND keywords defined for the subfields of DS1. DS2.SUB1 is null-capable; its null-indicator is DS2.SUB1_NULL.
        dcl-ds ds2 likeds(ds1) inz;  1 
        dcl-s fld1 char(10) nullind(null1);  2 
        dcl-s fld2 like(fld1);  3 
        if %nullind(ds2.sub1);  4 