Start a Window (QsnStrWin) API

  Required Parameter:

  Omissible Parameter Group:

  Returned Value:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Service Program: QSNAPI

  Threadsafe: No

The Start a Window (QsnStrWin) API starts a window created with the Create a Window (QsnCrtWin) API. This causes the window to be displayed on the screen and added to the active window list. If specified, the Draw Window exit routine is called immediately before the window is drawn.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter

Window handle

A handle for the window to be started.

Omissible Parameter Group

Save screen

Indicates if the underlying display image should be saved prior to drawing the window. This option should be used only if the window will not be moved or resized over an existing display image. Performance can be improved by not saving the display image. However, doing this limits the overlapping nature of the window. If an attempt is made to move or resize a window for which the display image was not saved, the screen is cleared and all windows are redrawn prior to moving the window.

The possible values for this parameter are:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter. If this parameter is omitted, diagnostic and escape messages are issued to the application.

Returned Value

Return code

A return code indicating the result of the operation. The value returned will be 0 if the operation was successful, or -1 otherwise.

Error Messages

Performance Considerations

You can improve the performance of window operations by doing the following:

Creating/Manipulating Windows Example

The sample program in Creating and Manipulating Windows shows how to create and manipulate several windows with exit routines. The program creates three windows- Window 1, Window 2, and Window 3. Each time Enter is pressed, the next window is made current; in which case, the Draw Window exit routine for that window is called. If the user presses F4=Move or F5=Resize, the current window is moved or resized and the Draw Window exit routine is called again. The resulting screen output is shown in Display Screen.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

Creating and Manipulating Windows

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "qsnapi.h"

void GenericDraw(const Qsn_Cmd_Buf_T *cbuf, const Qsn_Win_T *win)
    char *msg1 = "F3: quit F4: move  F5: resize";
    char *msg2 = "text no attribute";

    QsnWrtDta(msg2, strlen(msg2), 0, 2, 1, QSN_NO_SA, QSN_NO_SA,
              QSN_NO_SA, QSN_NO_SA, *cbuf, *win, NULL);
    QsnWrtDta(msg1, strlen(msg1), 0, -1, 1, QSN_SA_HI, QSN_SA_NORM,
              QSN_SA_RED, QSN_SA_NORM, *cbuf, *win, NULL);

void Draw1(const Qsn_Win_T *win, const Qsn_Cmd_Buf_T *cbuf)
    char *txt = "window 1 (ul/blue)";

    GenericDraw(cbuf, win);
    QsnWrtDta(txt, strlen(txt), 0, 5, 5, QSN_SA_UL, QSN_SA_NORM,
              QSN_SA_BLU, QSN_SA_NORM, *cbuf, *win, NULL);

void Draw2(const Qsn_Win_T *win, const Qsn_Cmd_Buf_T *cbuf)
    char *txt = "window 2 (ul/red)";

    GenericDraw(cbuf, win);
    QsnWrtDta(txt, strlen(txt), 0, 5, 5, QSN_SA_UL, QSN_SA_NORM,
              QSN_SA_RED, QSN_SA_NORM, *cbuf, *win, NULL);

void Draw3(const Qsn_Win_T *win, const Qsn_Cmd_Buf_T *cbuf)
    char *txt = "window 3 (ul/pink)";

    GenericDraw(cbuf, win);
    QsnWrtDta(txt, strlen(txt), 0, 5, 5, QSN_SA_UL, QSN_SA_NORM,
              QSN_SA_PNK, QSN_SA_NORM, *cbuf, *win, NULL);
int main (void) {
    int i;
    char text[100];
    Qsn_Win_T win1, win2, win3, cur;
    Qsn_Win_Desc_T  win_desc;
    Qsn_Win_Ext_Inf_T ext = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
    Q_Bin4          win_desc_length = sizeof(win_desc);
    char aid;

    QsnInzWinD(&win_desc, win_desc_length, NULL);
    win_desc.GUI_support = '0';

    /* define and start window 1 */
    win_desc.top_row = 3;
    win_desc.left_col = 5;
    win_desc.num_rows = 13;
    win_desc.num_cols = 40;
    ext.draw_fp = Draw1;
    win1 = QsnCrtWin(&win_desc, win_desc_length, &ext, sizeof(ext),
                    '1', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    QsnGetAID(NULL, 0, NULL);

    /* define and start window 2 */
    win_desc.top_row = 10;
    win_desc.left_col = 10;
    win_desc.num_rows = 10;
    win_desc.num_cols = 30;
    ext.draw_fp = Draw2;
    win2 = QsnCrtWin(&win_desc, win_desc_length, &ext, sizeof(ext),
                    '1', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    QsnGetAID(NULL, 0, NULL);

    /* define and start window 3 */
    win_desc.top_row = 5;
    win_desc.left_col = 20;
    win_desc.num_rows = 15;
    win_desc.num_cols = 50;
    ext.draw_fp = Draw3;
    win3 = QsnCrtWin(&win_desc, win_desc_length, &ext, sizeof(ext),
                    '1', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    cur = win3;

    for ( ;; ) {
        if (( (aid=QsnGetAID(NULL, 0, NULL)) == QSN_F3))
        else if (aid == QSN_F4)
            QsnMovWinUsr(cur, NULL);
        else if (aid == QSN_F5)
            QsnRszWinUsr(cur, NULL);
        else {
            /* switch current window to next window */
            if (cur == win1) {
                QsnSetCurWin(win2, NULL);
                cur = win2;
            } else if (cur == win2) {
                QsnSetCurWin(win3, NULL);
                cur = win3;
            } else {
                QsnSetCurWin(win1, NULL);
                cur = win1;


Display Screen

                                 Command Entry                         RCHASD0I
                                                           Request level:   1
 Pr ............................................
    :                                          :
    : text no attr ......................................................
    :              :                                                    :
    :              : text no attribute                                  :
    :     window 1 :                                                    :
    :              :                                                    :
    :    ......... :     window 3 (ul/pink)                             :
    :    :         :                                                    :
    :    : text no :                                                    :
    :    :         :                                                    :
    :    :         :                                                    :
    : F3 :     win :                                                    :
    :    :         :                                                    : ottom
 Ty :... :         :                                                    :
 ===> ca :         :                                                    :
         : F3: qui : F3: quit F4: move  F5: resize                      :
         :         :                                                    :
         :........ :....................................................:
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F10=Include detailed messages
 F11=Display full      F12=Cancel    F13=Information Assistant   F24=More keys


API introduced: V2R3

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