What's new

IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition, Version 8 is a new release that is fully compatible with Oracle Java SE version 8 class libraries.

The IBM implementation of Java contains IBM technology and extensions.

Any modifications made to this user guide to support a service refresh or fix pack are indicated by graphic images, for example: A graphic containing a forward-facing arrow head, and the characters SR1. In this image, SR1 indicates that changes are made for service refresh 1. End of changes are marked by A graphic containing a backward-facing arrow head..

Monthly refreshes of the SDK for certain platforms are made available on the Java SDK support pages. These refreshes can contain new features and serviceability improvements, plus fixes from Oracle and IBM. Only levels that contain significant changes are documented in this user guide. For any updates to IBM security in this release, see Security Reference: What's new.

For z/OS®, a list of features and the release in which they were first introduced is maintained in this online document: https://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/Java/JavaAllVer/misc/JavaLIRInventoryByDelivery.pdf.

A list of SDK levels and Oracle GA (FCS) versions with comparative functionality is maintained in the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition refreshes support document.