Class TestDriver

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TestDriver
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DebugReceiver
    A Test Driver object that provides all methods required to test a solution. TestDriver is configured through a variety of properties contained within a Java Properties object which contains property/value pairs for the various properties. The java properties can be stored in a file called The file can be in one of 2 locations, in the user's current directory or in a directory location defined by the "testdriver_home" environment variable. For example:


    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String ALL_AGENTS 
      static int MAX_EVENT_SUBMIT_DELAY
      The default gateway maximum event submission delay in the test environment (20 seconds), in ms.
      static java.lang.String TEST_EPOCH_PROPERTY
      This solution property is used to establish a temporal point of reference for a sequence of events containing time stamps in the past.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Construct a TestDriver using properties from the file.
      TestDriver(java.util.Properties properties)
      Construct a TestDriver using the specified Properties.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver r)
      Add a listener to receive DebugInfo objects received by the TestDriver.
      boolean clearTestEpoch()
      Clears the value of the test epoch property.
      void connect()
      Initialize the connection to the test environment using previously specified properties.
      void connect(int timeout)
      Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the connection timeout.
      void connect(java.lang.String name)
      Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the solution name.
      void connect(java.lang.String name, int timeout)
      Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the solution name and connection timeout.
      EntitySource<Entity> createEntityLoaderEntitySource(java.lang.String entityLoader)
      Create an EntitySource containing the entities from an entity loader file that has been previously created using the Insights Designer user interface.
      EventSource<Event> createEventSequenceEventSource(java.lang.String eventSequence)
      Create an EventSource containing the events from an event sequence file that has been previously created using the Insights Designer user interface.
      EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path)
      A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory.
      EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String pattern)
      A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory.
      EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String pattern, int skipFailureBitmask, java.lang.String encoding)
      A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory.
      EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path)
      A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory.
      EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String pattern)
      A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory.
      EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String pattern, int skipFailureBitmask, java.lang.String encoding)
      A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory.
      <T extends Entity
      createRelationship(java.lang.Class<T> entity, java.lang.String key)
      Convenience method to create Relationships
      <T extends Entity
      createRelationship(T t)
      Convenience method to create Relationships
      boolean deleteAllEntities()
      delete all entity instances of all entity types in the current solution.
      void deleteAllEntities(java.lang.String entityType)
      delete all entities of the given type from the grid.
      void deleteEntity(java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String entityId)
      remove an entity of the given type and ID from the grid.
      void disconnect()
      Disconnect from the test environment.
      boolean endTest()
      Can be called on the completion of a test to notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent.
      <T extends Entity
      fetchEntity(java.lang.Class<T> entityClass, java.lang.String entityId)
      return an entity from the runtime for the specified entity Class and identifier.
      Event getAgentEvent(DebugInfo db)
      From the debug object, extract the actual event which was submitted by the agent.
      Event getAgentEvent(DebugInfo db, java.lang.Boolean useXOM) 
      <T> T getConceptFactory(java.lang.Class<T> conceptFactoryClass)
      Provides access to the package specific ConceptFactory of the Java Model, which should be used to create Events, Entities and Concepts in that package
      EventFactory getEventFactory()
      Get an EventFactory to use for creating events.
      java.lang.Double getGlobalValue(java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of the given global variable name.
      ModelSerializer getModelSerializer()
      Provides access to the ModelSerializer, which should be used to serialize and parse Events and Entities
      java.lang.String getProductId()
      get the name and version of the product
      java.util.Properties getProperties()
      get the properties currently defined in the system.
      int getProperty(java.lang.String property, int def)
      get an integer property.
      java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String property, java.lang.String def)
      get a String property.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRuntimeServers()
      returns a list of runtime servers currently running in the grid cluster.
      SolutionGateway getSolutionGateway()
      Returns the solution gateway that is used by the TestDriver instance, if available.
      java.lang.String getSolutionName()
      Returns connected solution name, or null if not connected.
      java.lang.String getSolutionProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
      retrieves specified solution property.
      boolean isRuntimeReady()
      test to see if the runtime is available and ready.
      boolean isSolutionReady()
      Test to see if the current solution is deployed and ready.
      boolean isSolutionReady(java.lang.String solutionName)
      Test to see if a solution is deployed and ready.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> loadEntities(java.util.Iterator<? extends Entity> entities)
      Load a collection of entities into the system.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> loadEntities(java.util.List<? extends Entity> entities)
      Load a collection of entities into the system.
      void loadEntity(Entity entity)
      Loads an entity into the system.
      boolean processPendingSchedules(java.lang.String dateTime)
      Notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent.
      boolean processPendingSchedules(java.time.ZonedDateTime dateTime)
      Notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent.
      void removeDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver r)
      remove a DebugInfo listener.
      boolean resetSolutionState()
      reset the state (clear history) of the current solution.
      void runTestScenario(java.lang.String testScenario)
      Run the named test scenario file.
      void setGatewayMaxSubmitDelay(int delay)
      Set the gateway maximum event submission delay.
      void setProperties(java.util.Properties properties)
      Use TestDriver(Properties) to set properties programmatically.
      void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Use TestDriver(Properties) to set properties programmatically.
      boolean setTestEpoch(java.lang.String testEpoch)
      Establish a temporal point of reference to process events with time stamps in the past.
      java.lang.String startRecording()
      Start a debug recording on the latest version of the current solution.
      boolean stopRecording()
      Stop the active debug recording on the current solution, after which the results of events processed can be viewed in the web-based debug tool.
      RoutingStatus submitEvent(Event event)
      Submit an event to the solution.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,RoutingStatus> submitEvents(java.util.Iterator<? extends Event> events)
      Submit a collection of events to the solution.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,RoutingStatus> submitEvents(java.util.Iterator<? extends Event> events, boolean useProcessPendingSchedules)
      Submit a collection of events to the solution.
      void toXMLBytes( stream, Entity entity)
      serializes entity to XML using the generic entity schema and "UTF-8" encoding.
      java.lang.String toXMLString(Entity entity)
      serializes entity to XML using the generic entity schema.
      void updateEntity(Entity entity)
      update an entity in the grid.
      boolean validateProperties()
      Validate the current properties.
      boolean waitUntilSolutionIdle()
      Query the DSI runtime cluster-wide whether there are zero events being processed for the current solution.
      boolean waitUntilSolutionIdle(int maxWaitSeconds)
      Query the DSI runtime cluster-wide whether there are zero events being processed for the current solution.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • ALL_AGENTS

        public static java.lang.String ALL_AGENTS

        public static final int MAX_EVENT_SUBMIT_DELAY
        The default gateway maximum event submission delay in the test environment (20 seconds), in ms.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TEST_EPOCH_PROPERTY
        This solution property is used to establish a temporal point of reference for a sequence of events containing time stamps in the past. It should only be used for test purposes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestDriver

        public TestDriver()

        Construct a TestDriver using properties from the file.

        The file is located in the directory identified by the Java system property testdriver_home, if set. Otherwise the file is located in the current directory, identified by user.dir.

      • TestDriver

        public TestDriver(java.util.Properties properties)

        Construct a TestDriver using the specified Properties.

        Note: The file is not read when using this constructor. To add or merge properties with an existing file, use DriverProperties.DriverProperties() to obtain a Properties object that contains the contents of the file.

        TestDriverException - if an error occurs during initialization
        properties - TestDriver configuration properties
    • Method Detail

      • connect

        public final void connect(java.lang.String name,
                   int timeout)
                           throws GatewayException
        Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the solution name and connection timeout. This method is equivalent to setting the solutionName property and calling #connect(timeout). After this method completes, test events can be submitted using submitEvent(Event).
        GatewayException - if a connection cannot be made within the specified timeout.
        name - the name of the solution
        timeout - the connection timeout, in seconds
      • connect

        public final void connect(java.lang.String name)
                           throws GatewayException
        Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the solution name. This method is equivalent to setting the solutionName property and calling connect(). After this method completes, test events can be submitted using submitEvent(Event).
        GatewayException - if a connection cannot be made within the specified timeout.
        name - the name of the solution
      • connect

        public final void connect(int timeout)
                           throws GatewayException
        Initialize the connection to the test environment specifying the connection timeout. This method is equivalent to setting the connectTimeout property and calling connect(). After this method completes, test events can be submitted using submitEvent(Event).
        GatewayException - if a connection cannot be made within the specified timeout.
        timeout - the connection timeout, in seconds
      • connect

        public void connect()
                     throws GatewayException
        Initialize the connection to the test environment using previously specified properties. After this method completes, test events can be submitted using submitEvent(Event).
        GatewayException - if a connection cannot be made within the specified timeout.
      • disconnect

        public void disconnect()
        Disconnect from the test environment.
      • getSolutionName

        public java.lang.String getSolutionName()
        Returns connected solution name, or null if not connected.
      • fetchEntity

        public <T extends Entity> T fetchEntity(java.lang.Class<T> entityClass,
                                       java.lang.String entityId)
        return an entity from the runtime for the specified entity Class and identifier. fetchEntity uses the current runtimehostname (default: localhost) and httpport (default: 9443) to retrieve the entity. Both runtimehostname and httport can be set in the Java properties used to initialize testdriver.
        TestDriverException - on error
        entityClass - the classname of a class that extends Entity
        entityId - the identifier of the new entity
        The fetched entity or null if the entity is not found
      • loadEntity

        public void loadEntity(Entity entity)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Loads an entity into the system.
        entity - the Entity to load
      • loadEntities

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> loadEntities(java.util.List<? extends Entity> entities)
                                                                                     throws MultipleEntityLoadException
        Load a collection of entities into the system. In a remote test environment, entity loading will halt if a problem is encountered. A map containing the types and IDs of the entities that were successfully loaded will be attached to the MultipleEntityLoadException thrown as a result of the failure.
        MultipleEntityLoadException - If a problem occurs during the load operation.
        entities - the entities to load
        A map in which the keys are the types of the entities successfully loaded and the values are the the set of successfully loaded entity IDs of that type.
      • loadEntities

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> loadEntities(java.util.Iterator<? extends Entity> entities)
                                                                                     throws MultipleEntityLoadException
        Load a collection of entities into the system. Entity loading will halt if a problem is encountered. A map containing the types and IDs of the entities that were successfully loaded will be attached to the MultipleEntityLoadException thrown as a result of the failure.
        MultipleEntityLoadException - If a problem occurs during the load operation.
        entities - the entities to load
        A map in which the keys are the types of the entities successfully loaded and the values are the the set of successfully loaded entity IDs of that type.
      • updateEntity

        public void updateEntity(Entity entity)
        update an entity in the grid. The entity must already exist (by loadEntity). Any field in the entity can be changed except the id field.
        TestDriverException - on error
        genericEntity - the GenericEntity to update
      • deleteEntity

        public void deleteEntity(java.lang.String entityType,
                        java.lang.String entityId)
        remove an entity of the given type and ID from the grid.
        TestDriverException - on error
        entityType - the type of the entity to remove
        entityID - the ID of the entity to remove
      • deleteAllEntities

        public void deleteAllEntities(java.lang.String entityType)
        delete all entities of the given type from the grid. Only entities of the specified type are removed. Specifically, entities within a hierarchy are not removed. Java subtypes of the specified type are not removed
        TestDriverException - on error
        entityType - type of the entity to remove.
      • deleteAllEntities

        public boolean deleteAllEntities()
        delete all entity instances of all entity types in the current solution.
        TestDriverException - if connection or other error
        true if success
      • endTest

        public boolean endTest()
        Can be called on the completion of a test to notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent. Returns after the triggered processing has completed, or a predetermined time out (based on the http_timeout property value) is reached.
        true if processing is completed within a predetermined timeout, false otherwise.
        See Also: delay, TimeUnit unit, String cookie), dateTime, String cookie)
      • processPendingSchedules

        public boolean processPendingSchedules(java.lang.String dateTime)
                                        throws java.time.format.DateTimeParseException
        Notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent. Scheduled processing is synchronously triggered in chronological order, including any additional processing that may by scheduled, up to the specified cutoff time.
        java.time.format.DateTimeParseException - if the date string is not valid.
        dateTime - an ISO 8601 date and time String representing the cutoff time. Pending calls beyond this time are unaffected.
        true if processing is successful, false otherwise.
        See Also: delay, TimeUnit unit, String cookie), dateTime, String cookie)
      • processPendingSchedules

        public boolean processPendingSchedules(java.time.ZonedDateTime dateTime)
        Notify the server to trigger any processing that has been scheduled by, or on behalf of, an agent. Scheduled processing is synchronously triggered in chronological order, including any additional processing that may by scheduled, up to the specified cutoff time.
        dateTime - a ZonedDateTime object representing the cutoff time. Pending calls beyond this time are unaffected.
        true if processing is successful, false otherwise.
        See Also: delay, TimeUnit unit, String cookie), dateTime, String cookie)
      • toXMLString

        public java.lang.String toXMLString(Entity entity)
        serializes entity to XML using the generic entity schema.
        entity - the entity instance to be serialized.
        XML string for the entity
      • toXMLBytes

        public void toXMLBytes( stream,
                      Entity entity)
        serializes entity to XML using the generic entity schema and "UTF-8" encoding.
        stream - Output stream to write XML bytes to
        entity - the entity instance to be serialized.
      • getSolutionGateway

        public SolutionGateway getSolutionGateway()
                                           throws GatewayException,
        Returns the solution gateway that is used by the TestDriver instance, if available.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the TestDriver connection does not support the SolutionGateway.
        the SolutionGateway
      • setGatewayMaxSubmitDelay

        public void setGatewayMaxSubmitDelay(int delay)
                                      throws GatewayException
        Set the gateway maximum event submission delay. The default value in the test environment is MAX_EVENT_SUBMIT_DELAY.
        delay - Delay in ms; 0 for no delay.
      • getConceptFactory

        public <T> T getConceptFactory(java.lang.Class<T> conceptFactoryClass)
                            throws SolutionException,
        Provides access to the package specific ConceptFactory of the Java Model, which should be used to create Events, Entities and Concepts in that package
        SolutionChangedException - indicates that solution has been changed on the server
        GatewayException - indicates problem connecting to the solution
        conceptFactoryClass - ConceptFactory class for a specific Java Model package
        instance of ConceptFactory for this test driver
      • createRelationship

        public <T extends EntityRelationship<T> createRelationship(java.lang.Class<T> entity,
                                                            java.lang.String key)
                                                          throws SolutionException,
        Convenience method to create Relationships
        SolutionChangedException - indicates that solution has been changed on the server
        GatewayException - indicates problem connecting to the solution
        entity - entity class type for this relationship
        key - entity id for this relationship
        relationship to entity instance identified by type and key
      • createFileEntitySource

        public EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format,
                                                        java.lang.String path)
                                                          throws TestDriverException
        A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the entity source and converted into entities using the default encoding determined from the file contents. This collection of entities can then be loaded into the system using the loadEntities() method by passing the iterator returned by the entity source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEntitySource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the entities from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. All files in the directory will be loaded. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
      • createFileEntitySource

        public EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format,
                                                        java.lang.String path,
                                                        java.lang.String pattern)
                                                          throws TestDriverException
        A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the entity source and converted into entities using the default encoding determined from the file contents. This collection of entities can then be loaded into the system using the loadEntities() method by passing the iterator returned by the entity source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEntitySource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the entities from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. All files in the directory will be loaded. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
        pattern - A regular expression describing the files in the directory you wish to load. All files will be loaded if set to null.
      • createFileEntitySource

        public EntitySource<> createFileEntitySource(DataFormat format,
                                                        java.lang.String path,
                                                        java.lang.String pattern,
                                                        int skipFailureBitmask,
                                                        java.lang.String encoding)
                                                          throws TestDriverException
        A FileEntitySource can be used to create a collection of entities from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the entity source and converted into entities using the encoding information supplied. This collection of entities can then be loaded into the system using the loadEntities() method by passing the iterator returned by the entity source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEntitySource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the entities from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
        pattern - A regular expression describing the files in the directory you wish to load. All files will be loaded if set to null.
        skipFailureBitmask - A bit mask allowing you to modify the behaviour of this FileEntitySource when it encounters a problem with loading an entity. Current allowed values are:
        • EntitySource.SKIP_NO_FAILURES - Do not skip any failures. An exception will be thrown when the first problem is encountered.
        • EntitySource.SKIP_UNRECOGNISED_ENTITIES - Skip any entities that are unrecognised by the solution. Files containing unrecognised entities will not trigger an exception.
        encoding - The character encoding to use when parsing the entities. The default encoding determined from the file contents will be used if set to null.
      • createEntityLoaderEntitySource

        public EntitySource<Entity> createEntityLoaderEntitySource(java.lang.String entityLoader)
        Create an EntitySource containing the entities from an entity loader file that has been previously created using the Insights Designer user interface. This collection of entities can then be loaded into the system using the loadEntities() method by passing the iterator returned by the entity source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the entity source.
        entityLoader - The name of the entity loader file to read e.g. Entites.eldr
      • createFileEventSource

        public EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format,
                                                      java.lang.String path)
                                                        throws TestDriverException
        A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the event source and converted into events using the default encoding determined from the file contents. This collection of events can then be submitted to the system using the submitEvents() method by passing the iterator returned by the event source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEventSource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the events from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. All files in the directory will be loaded. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
      • createFileEventSource

        public EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format,
                                                      java.lang.String path,
                                                      java.lang.String pattern)
                                                        throws TestDriverException
        A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the event source and converted into events using the default encoding determined from the file contents. This collection of events can then be submitted to the system using the submitEvents() method by passing the iterator returned by the event source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEventSource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the events from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
        pattern - A regular expression describing the files in the directory you wish to load. All files will be loaded if set to null.
      • createFileEventSource

        public EventSource<> createFileEventSource(DataFormat format,
                                                      java.lang.String path,
                                                      java.lang.String pattern,
                                                      int skipFailureBitmask,
                                                      java.lang.String encoding)
                                                        throws TestDriverException
        A FileEventSource can be used to create a collection of events from a set of files in a directory. These files will be read by the event source and converted into events using the encoding information supplied. This collection of events can then be submitted to the system using the submitEvents() method by passing the iterator returned by the event source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the FileEventSource.
        format - The DataFormat to use when creating the events from the content of the files.
        path - The path to the directory where the files are located. Null or the empty string are not accepted values.
        pattern - A regular expression describing the files in the directory you wish to load. All files will be loaded if set to null.
        skipFailureBitmask - A bit mask allowing you to modify the behaviour of this FileEventSource when it encounters a problem with submitting an event. Current allowed values are:
        • EventSource.SKIP_NO_FAILURES - Do not skip any failures. An exception will be thrown when the first problem is encountered.
        • EventSource.SKIP_UNRECOGNISED_EVENTS - Skip any events that are unrecognised by the solution. Files containing unrecognised events will not trigger an exception.
        encoding - The character encoding to use when parsing the events. The default encoding determined from the file contents will be used if set to null.
      • createEventSequenceEventSource

        public EventSource<Event> createEventSequenceEventSource(java.lang.String eventSequence)
        Create an EventSource containing the events from an event sequence file that has been previously created using the Insights Designer user interface. This collection of events can then be loaded into the system using the submitEvents() method by passing the iterator returned by the event source iterator() method.
        TestDriverException - Thrown if an error occurs initializing the event source.
        eventSequence - The name of the event sequence file to read e.g. Events.eseq
      • submitEvent

        public RoutingStatus submitEvent(Event event)
                                  throws GatewayException,

        Submit an event to the solution.

        Any processing that is scheduled to be processed before or at the time stamp of the event is triggered in chronological order before the event is submitted. However, this method does not synchronize event submission with solution processing.

        event - The event to be submitted
      • submitEvents

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,RoutingStatus> submitEvents(java.util.Iterator<? extends Event> events)
                                                                   throws MultipleEventSubmitException

        Submit a collection of events to the solution. Events will be submitted in the order they are provided by the supplied iterator.

        Event submission will halt upon the first problem encountered. A map of the RoutingStatus values for all successful event submissions up to the point of the first failure will be attached to the MultipleEventSubmitException thrown as a result of the failure.

        Any processing that is scheduled to be processed before or at the time stamp of each event is triggered in chronological order before the event is submitted. However, this method does not synchronize event submission with solution processing.

        MultipleEventSubmitException - If a problem occurs with delivery of one of the events.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the supplied iterator is null.
        events - An iterator returning the events to be submitted.
        A map of RoutingStatus return values keyed off the event ID related to the RoutingStatus. One for each event successfully submitted.
      • submitEvents

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,RoutingStatus> submitEvents(java.util.Iterator<? extends Event> events,
                                                                 boolean useProcessPendingSchedules)
                                                                   throws MultipleEventSubmitException

        Submit a collection of events to the solution. Events will be submitted in the order they are provided by the supplied iterator.

        Event submission will halt upon the first problem encountered. A map of the RoutingStatus values for all successful event submissions up to the point of the first failure will be attached to the MultipleEventSubmitException thrown as a result of the failure.

        Event submission can be optionally synchronized with solution processing. When synchronized, the test client waits for the solution to process previously submitted events, and any processing that is scheduled to take place before the event to be submitted. Even when not synchronized, processing that is scheduled to be processed before or at the time stamp of the event is triggered in chronological order before the event is submitted.

        MultipleEventSubmitException - If a problem occurs with delivery of one of the events.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the supplied iterator is null.
        events - An iterator returning the events to be submitted.
        useProcessPendingSchedules - If true, event submission is synchronized with solution processing.
        A map of RoutingStatus return values keyed off the event ID related to the RoutingStatus. One for each event successfully submitted.
      • runTestScenario

        public void runTestScenario(java.lang.String testScenario)
        Run the named test scenario file. If the test scenario fails, an exception is thrown containing a summary of the failure reason.
        testScenario - The test scenario to run.
      • isRuntimeReady

        public boolean isRuntimeReady()
        test to see if the runtime is available and ready. These required properties must be set: DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH
        TestDriverException - on error
        - true if the CIS server is available and ready, false otherwise.
      • isSolutionReady

        public boolean isSolutionReady(java.lang.String solutionName)
        Test to see if a solution is deployed and ready. These required properties must be set: DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH
        solutionName - the name of the solution to query
        true if solutionName is deployed, false otherwise
      • getRuntimeServers

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRuntimeServers()
        returns a list of runtime servers currently running in the grid cluster. You must set the following properties: DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH
        TestDriverException - on error
        a java.util.List of all servers in the grid cluster.
      • getSolutionProperty

        public java.lang.String getSolutionProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
        retrieves specified solution property. Required set properties are: DriverProperties.RUNTIME_HOST_NAME DriverProperties.HTTP_PORT DriverProperties.ADMIN_USERNAME DriverProperties.ADMIN_PASSWORD DriverProperties.TRUSTSTORE_PATH
        propertyName -
        the property value
      • getGlobalValue

        public java.lang.Double getGlobalValue(java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of the given global variable name.
        name - The name of the variable to get.
        The variable value or null.
      • getAgentEvent

        public Event getAgentEvent(DebugInfo db)
        From the debug object, extract the actual event which was submitted by the agent.
        DebugInfo - object
        event generated by the agent.
      • getAgentEvent

        public Event getAgentEvent(DebugInfo db,
                          java.lang.Boolean useXOM)
        DebugInfo - object
        event generated by the agent.
      • addDebugReceiver

        public void addDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver r)
        Add a listener to receive DebugInfo objects received by the TestDriver. Listener must implement the DebugReceiver interface. The addDebugInfo method will be called for any registered DebugReceiver.
        listener -
      • removeDebugReceiver

        public void removeDebugReceiver(DebugReceiver r)
        remove a DebugInfo listener. Removes an DebugListener which was previously added.
        listener -
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties()
        get the properties currently defined in the system.
      • getProperty

        public java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String property,
                                   java.lang.String def)
        get a String property.
        property - the name of the property to return.
        def - value to return if no property with the given name is currently defined.
      • getProperty

        public int getProperty(java.lang.String property,
                      int def)
        get an integer property.
        property - the name of the property to return.
        def - value to return if no property with the given name is currently defined.
      • validateProperties

        public boolean validateProperties()
        Validate the current properties.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if properties are invalid
        true if the properties are all valid
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties(java.util.Properties properties)
        Deprecated. Use TestDriver(Properties) to set properties programmatically.
        Replace all current TestDriver properties with the passed property values. Cannot be called after connect().
        properties - the set of properties to use.
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. Use TestDriver(Properties) to set properties programmatically.
        Set a specific TestDriver property. Cannot be called after connect().
        name - the name of the property
        value - the value to which the property it set
      • setTestEpoch

        public boolean setTestEpoch(java.lang.String testEpoch)
                             throws java.time.format.DateTimeParseException,
        Establish a temporal point of reference to process events with time stamps in the past. For test use only.
        java.time.format.DateTimeParseException - if the date string is not valid.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the date string represents a time after the current date and time.
        testEpoch - an ISO 8601 date and time String representing a point in the past to establish as the epoch for a sequence of test events.
        true if the test epoch property was set, false if not.
        See Also:
      • clearTestEpoch

        public boolean clearTestEpoch()
        Clears the value of the test epoch property.
        true if the test epoch property was cleared, false if not.
        See Also:
      • getProductId

        public java.lang.String getProductId()
        get the name and version of the product
        TestDriverException - on error
        String value representing the product name and version
      • resetSolutionState

        public boolean resetSolutionState()
        reset the state (clear history) of the current solution. The state includes the rule agent history, cached engines, time triggers, pending events, global aggregates and solution recordings
        TestDriverException - on error
        true if success, false otherwise
      • waitUntilSolutionIdle

        public boolean waitUntilSolutionIdle(int maxWaitSeconds)
        Query the DSI runtime cluster-wide whether there are zero events being processed for the current solution. If there are no events being processed then the call will return true immediately, otherwise it will wait for up to maxWaitSeconds for the number of events being processed in the system to drop to zero, then return true. After maxWaitSeconds if the system has not dropped to zero events it will return false. maxWaitSeconds should not be greater than the http_timeout property value.
        maxWaitSeconds - the maximum number of seconds to wait for the number of events being processed to become zero. The minimum number of seconds to wait is 1
        true if the number of events being processed is zero at any time during the maxWaitSeconds period, false otherwise
      • waitUntilSolutionIdle

        public boolean waitUntilSolutionIdle()
        Query the DSI runtime cluster-wide whether there are zero events being processed for the current solution. If there are no events being processed then the call will return true immediately, otherwise it will wait for the number of events being processed in the system to drop to zero, then return true. If the system has not dropped to zero events within a predetermined time out (based on the http_timeout property value) it will return false.
        true if the number of events being processed is zero within the predetermined time out.
      • startRecording

        public java.lang.String startRecording()
        Start a debug recording on the latest version of the current solution. The results of any events processed after the recording has started will be captured. Then the results can be viewed in the web-based debug tool after the recording is stopped using the method stopRecording. Typically, this method is called inside a @Test method of your unit test class. An example is as follows:
                        public class AJUnitClient {
                                private TestDriver testDriver = null;
                                public void setUp() throws Exception {
                                        testDriver = new TestDriver();
                                public void testFlightMove() throws Exception {
                                        // submit event here
        You may also span the recording across multiple @Test, or call this method in @BeforeClass, and stopRecording in @AfterClass. However, take note that only one recording per solution is allowed. So, if you have several @Test in your unit test class, and you call the two methods in @Before and @After, respectively, only the last @Test ran will have recording data. Also, whenever startRecording() is called, any currently active recording will be stopped before a new recording starts. If the recording is successfully started, a message looks like one below will be logged.
         [08/06/2014 12:07:28] [.] ::INFO:: startRecording was called at
         [08/06/2014 12:07:39] [.] ::INFO:: Debug recording started. [SolutionVersion: hello_world, Author: tester, Recording id: hello_world-0.1|2014-08-06T12:07:39.844-0400]
        If the recording cannot be started, check log for reason. An example of the possible cause.
         [08/06/2014 11:59:02] [.] ::SEVERE:: Error occurred when starting recording. [SolutionVersion: hello_world_bad, Author: tester]. Message: Not Found
        TestDriverException - on error
        the recording id
      • stopRecording

        public boolean stopRecording()
        Stop the active debug recording on the current solution, after which the results of events processed can be viewed in the web-based debug tool. See startRecording for example use. If the recording is successfully stopped, a message like below will be logged.
         [8/6/14 12:30:23:064 EDT] 00000001 TestDriver    I   stopRecording() was called at
         [8/6/14 12:30:25:947 EDT] 00000001 TestDriver    I   Recording stopped [solution name: hello_world, recording id: hello_world-0.1|2014-08-06T12:26:06.917-0400]
        If the recording cannot be stopped, check log for reason. An example of the possible cause:
         [08/02/2014 12:38:54] [.] ::SEVERE:: Error occurred when stopping recording. [Solution name: hello_world]. Message: CWMBD0135I:  There is no active recording for solution hello_world to stop.
        TestDriverException - on error
        true is the recording is stopped; otherwise, false

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