
Interface IlrBaselineManagementFacility

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IlrBaselineManagementFacility
    Baseline management services for a Decision Center session.
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean addToBaseline(IlrElementHandle element, IlrBaseline baseline)
      Adds the given element to the baseline.
      boolean changeVersionInBaseline(IlrElementHandle element, IlrElementVersion version, IlrBaseline baseline)
      Equivalent function no longer available.
      IlrBaseline cloneToBranch(IlrBaseline baselineSource, java.lang.String name)
      Use cloneToBranch(IlrBaseline baselineSource, String name, boolean includeDependencies) (with includeDependencies = false) instead.
      IlrBranch cloneToBranch(IlrBaseline baselineSource, java.lang.String name, boolean includeDependencies)
      Copies the given baseline and converts it to a branch.
      IlrBaseline copyBaseline(IlrBaseline baselineSource, java.lang.String name)
      Copies the content of the given baseline to a new one.
      IlrBaseline createBaseline(IlrBranch parentBranch, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String documentation, boolean includeDependencies, IlrBaselineKind baselineKind)
      Creates a new baseline (snapshot) in the given branch.
      IlrBaseline createBaselineFromCurrentState(java.lang.String name)
      Use createBaselineFromCurrentState(String name, String documentation) instead.
      IlrBaseline createBaselineFromCurrentState(java.lang.String name, boolean includeDependencies, IlrBaselineKind baselineKind)
      Use createBaselineFromCurrentState(String name, String documentation, boolean includeDependencies, IlrBaselineKind baselineKind) instead.
      IlrBaseline createBaselineFromCurrentState(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String documentation)
      Creates a baseline for the current baseline of the working project.
      IlrBaseline createBaselineFromCurrentState(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String documentation, boolean includeDependencies, IlrBaselineKind baselineKind)
      Creates a baseline for the current baseline of the working project.
      IlrBranch createBranchFromCurrentState(java.lang.String name, boolean includeDependencies)
      Creates a branch for the current baseline of the working project.
      IlrBaseline createSnapshotFromBaselineEvent(java.lang.String snapshotName, java.lang.String documentation, IlrElementHandle eventHandle)
      Creates a new snapshot that references all elements that were available at the time the given baseline event was created.
      IlrBaseline createSnapshotFromElement(java.lang.String snapshotName, java.lang.String documentation, IlrElementHandle projectEltHandle)
      Creates a snapshot that references all elements that were available at the time the given element handle was updated. New method createSnapshotFromElementVersion() should be used instead of this one. This new method can handle deleting of elements, which is not the case with createSnapshotFromElement().
      IlrBaseline createSnapshotFromElementVersion(java.lang.String snapshotName, java.lang.String documentation, IlrElementVersion eltVersion)
      Creates a new snapshot that references all elements that were available at the time the given element version was created.
      void deleteBaseline(IlrBaseline baseline, boolean includeDependencies)
      Deletes a baseline.
      boolean deleteFromBranch(IlrElementHandle element, IlrBaseline baseline) 
      java.util.List<IlrElementHandle> findArtifactsCausingMergeConflicts(IlrBranch selectedBaseline)
      should use BranchHelper.getMergeOperations(IlrSession session, IlrBaseline lhsBranch, IlrBaseline rhsBranch) instead Returns the list of elements from the selected baseline that are in conflict when attempting a merge with the working baseline. If the working baseline is null, the finder uses the current baseline of the project of the selected baseline.
      java.util.List<IlrElementHandle> findArtifactsDeletedReadyToMerge(IlrBranch selectedBaseline)
      should use BranchHelper.getMergeOperations(IlrSession session, IlrBaseline lhsBranch, IlrBaseline rhsBranch) instead Returns the list of elements that were deleted in the selected baseline, and deleted or not modified in the working baseline.
      java.util.List<IlrElementHandle> findArtifactsReadyToMerge(IlrBranch selectedBaseline)
      should use BranchHelper.getMergeOperations(IlrSession session, IlrBaseline lhsBranch, IlrBaseline rhsBranch) instead Returns the list of elements from the selected baseline that can be safely merged with the working baseline without conflict. If the working baseline is null, the finder uses the current baseline of the project of the selected baseline. It returns the list of elements that were modified in the selected branch, and not modified in the working baseline. It does not return elements that were deleted in the selected or in the working baselines.
      java.util.List getBaselinesForVersion(IlrElementVersion version)
      Gets the baselines that reference the given element version.
      boolean removeFromBaseline(IlrElementHandle element, IlrBaseline baseline)
      Make sure the baseline is not frozen, and then use deleteFromBranch().
      void restoreBaseline(IlrBaseline baseline)
      Use restoreBaseline(String name, String comment) instead.
      void restoreBaseline(IlrBaseline baseline, java.lang.String comment)
      Restores the given baseline.

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