Removing a user from an organization

If you have permission to edit users, you can remove a user from an organization.

About this task

After you have removed the user, their resources are deleted and the user cannot access any of the organization's artifacts. The user account remains in API Manager.
Note: You cannot remove an Owner from an organization.


You can remove a user from an organization by following the procedure:

  1. If you have not previously pinned the UI navigation pane then click the Navigate to icon The Navigate to icon.
    The API Manager UI navigation pane opens. To pin the UI navigation pane, click the Pin menu icon The Pin menu icon..
  2. [V5.0.4 and earlier] In the Navigation pane, click Admin, then click Users.
  3. [V5.0.5 or later] In the Navigation pane, click Admin, then click Members.
  4. Click the Delete icon The Delete icon that is adjacent to the user you want to delete.
    Note: You cannot delete the owner of an organization.


The user is removed from the organization, and the user account remains in API Manager.