
Mount Point: /apiv1/executiongroups/{egName}/applications/{appName}

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Performs an action on the application. If the action is a stop/start option ("stop", "stopWithRestartExecutionGroup", "start") then the application is stopped/started as directed. The stop can be forced by specifying stopWithRestartExecutionGroup which causes the execution group to be restarted before the stop is executed. If the action is a "setStatistics", then the setStatistics dictates the change to statistics for all child messageflows. Setting statistics "on" turns on statistics with json output format, and sets the node and thread level to basic. Setting statistics "off" turns off all statistics and unsets all output formats.


name description type default
egName execution group name path
appName application name path
action Action to perform on application, actions include: "stop", "stopWithRestartExecutionGroup", "start", "setStatistics" query
setStatistics setStatistics to "on" or "off". Only used with "action=setStatistics" query

Response Body

element: (custom)

"HTTP success no content" (204) or exception


Get a named application from an execution group.


name description type default
egName The execution group to look for the application in. path
appName The application name to get. path
depth Depth to expand children to. query 1

Response Body

element: application

(no documentation provided)



name description type default
egName (no documentation provided) path
appName (no documentation provided) path

Response Body

element: (custom)

(no documentation provided)