Deploying the bug tracking system server

To integrate app feedback and bugs with selected bug tracking systems, you must configure a bug tracking system server in addition to the server that hosts IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance.

Before you begin

This procedure lists the steps to integrate with Asana, Bugzilla, FogBugz, GitHub, HP Quality Center, JIRA, Rally, Redmine, and TFS. To integrate with Rational Team Concert™, see Integrating with Rational Team Concert. To configure with the bug tracking systems other than Rational Team Concert, you must configure a second server that is running version 7 of Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS). The procedure to configure that server requires some additional components to be available on the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server. To ensure that you have the correct versions of these tools are on your IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance server, go to the /opt/IBM/MFQA/Apphance/setup/bts directory and run the installations in the following order:
Pip manages the packages that are used during the installation. If it is not already installed, enter the following command to install it:
$ sudo easy_install pip
Ansible manages the scripts and automates the installation process. If Ansible version is not already installed, enter the following command to install it:
$ sudo pip install ansible==
Fabric simplifies the configuration of the SSH connection between your MobileFirst Quality Assurance server and the bug tracking system server. If it is not already installed, enter the following command to install it:
$ sudo pip install fabric
Fabtools provides some actions that are required for the installation scripts. If it is not already installed, enter the following command to install it:
$ sudo pip install fabtools
Docker toolkit
The bug tracking system server is provided as a Docker image. Docker toolkit runs the Docker image.
You might need to install the sshpass utility, depending on your SSH configuration. You can download the sshpass utility from "Non-interactive ssh password auth" (

About this task

To enable integration with selected bug tracking systems, complete the following steps:


  1. Create a separate CentOS server instance for the bug tracking system.
    1. Install a server with version 7 of the CentOS operating system.
      Tip: This can be a shared server.
    2. Create an account with sudo privileges on the CentOS server.
  2. Prepare the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server for installation.
    1. Log in to the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server with an account that has sudo privileges.
    2. Change to the /opt/IBM/MFQA/Apphance/setup/bts directory.
      Note: If you upgraded a system from version 6.3, or earlier, this path is /opt/IBM/WQA/Apphance/setup/bts.
    3. Create and edit the ansible.cfg file by entering a command similar to the following:
      vi ansible.cfg
    4. Add the following content to the ansible.cfg file:
    5. Run the following command to add an environment variable for SSH:
      export ANSIBLE_SCP_IF_SSH=y
    6. Enter the following command to start the installation process:
      ansible-playbook -u username provision.yml -i CentOS_server_ip_address,
      Where username is the user name that has sudo privileges that you are using on the CentOS server, and CentOS_server_ip_address is the IP address of the CentOS server that contains the bug tracking system Docker image.
      Note: The trailing comma is required in the command.
  3. Configure the bug tracking system on the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server.
    1. Edit the /home/utest/apphance/project/src/apphance/ file to uncomment the following files by removing the preceding pound symbol (#), and modify them as shown in the following examples:
    2. Stop and restart the services by entering the following command from the /opt/IBM/MFQA/Apphance/setup directory on the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server:
      Note: If you upgraded a system from version 6.3, or earlier, this path is /opt/IBM/WQA/Apphance/setup.
      fab -H restart_supervisor
  4. To continue the integration, see Integrating with Rational Team Concert if you need to set up the integration for Rational Team Concert, or Integrating with other bug tracking products to proceed with steps for other bug tracking services.