Configuring the server to use HTTPS

By default, IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance is configured to support HTTPS. The administrator must provide a public server certificate and private key. The certificate serves to identify MobileFirst Quality Assurance to clients, including web browsers and mobile devices.

Before you begin

Log in to the VM image with the utest account.

About this task

Important: Do not attempt to use a self-signed certificate. If you use self-signed certificate, some product capabilities might not work, such as the ability to upload builds to the product, and the ability to install builds from the product onto mobile devices. Instead, use a self-signed certificate authority certificate, or a certificate that is signed by a private or public certificate authority.


  1. To configure the server with a certificate and private key, enter the following command: fab –H utest@localhost -f /opt/IBM/MFQA/Apphance/setup/ provision:crt_path=server.crt,key_path=server.key,use_working_dir=true, where server.crt is the path name of the public certificate, and server.key is the path name of the private key.
  2. When prompted, enter the password for the utest account. The output of the command ends with this message: Success. Done.
  3. Restart the nginx service by entering the following command: service nginx restart.
  4. Configure your SSL certificate to be trusted if you are not using a public certificate.
    1. Connect to the 7.0 MobileFirst Quality Assurance development server by using SSH, if you are not already connected.
    2. Go to the /home/utest/apphance/etc/pki directory.
    3. Copy the contents of the certificate file to the clipboard, including the lines that indicate the beginning and the end of the certificate. The certificate file has a .crt extension.
    4. Go to the /home/utest/apphance/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests directory.
    5. Paste the certificate information at the end of the cacert.pem file.
    6. Restart the MobileFirst Quality Assurance server by entering the following command from the /opt/IBM/WQA/Apphance/setup directory:
      fab -H restart_supervisor


The server is configured with a certificate and private key.