[V9.0.0.0 Jun 2016]

IBM MQ release types

From IBM® MQ 9.0 there are two types of release; a Long Term Support (LTS) release and Continuous Delivery (CD) release. The aim of the two release types is to meet the requirement for delivery of new and enhanced IBM MQ functions as rapidly as possible in the next CD release, while at the same time maintaining a stable long term support release for systems that need a long term deployment of IBM MQ, and for customers who prefer this traditional option.

The release model

The two release types are distinguishable by the modification number in the version.release.modification (v.r.m) release identifier.

Long Term Support releases have a modification number of zero, for example, 9.0.0.

[Continuous Delivery]Continuous Delivery releases have a modification number that is non-zero, for example, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, and so on.

CD releases are made available on a regular basis, and contain functional enhancements as well as the latest set of defect fixes and security updates.

Each CD release replaces the prior ones for that version of IBM MQ, so it is possible for you to skip CD releases, if a specific CD release does not contain any function that is relevant for your enterprise.

[Long Term Support]LTS releases are updated by fix packs, cumulative security updates (CSUs), or PTFs, which provide defect fixes and security updates in a predictable fashion.

[Long Term Support][UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]On Multiplatforms, LTS fix packs are numbered according to a VRMF scheme. For maintenance releases in or after 1Q 2023, the fourth digit in the VRMF represents either a fix pack number or a CSU number. Both types of maintenance are mutually cumulative (that is, they contain everything included in older CSUs and fix packs), and both are installed using the same mechanisms for applying maintenance. Both types of maintenance update the F-digit of the VRMF to a higher number than any previous maintenance: fix packs use "F" values divisible by 5, CSUs use "F" values not divisible by 5.

[Long Term Support][UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]For maintenance releases before 1Q 2023, the fourth digit in the VRMF always represents the fix pack level. For example, the first fix pack for the IBM MQ 9.0.0 LTS release is numbered

For more information, see IBM MQ FAQ for Long Term Support and Continuous Delivery releases.

The next sections describe the specific detail of the process for obtaining, installing, and using IBM MQ code in the new release model for IBM MQ for z/OS® and IBM MQ for Multiplatforms.


Considerations for IBM MQ for z/OS


When ordering IBM MQ for z/OS 9.0, two separate features are offered on ShopZ. The features correspond to the LTS release and the CD release.

Both features are applicable to the same product ID (PID). It is the product ID that is licensed, so where one feature is licensed, there is entitlement to use the alternative feature if required.

When ordering the IBM MQ for z/OS 9.0 product, select the feature corresponding with either the LTS release or CD release.

If you are selecting products for inclusion in a ServerPac, it is not possible to choose both the LTS release and CD release in the same ServerPac order, because the products cannot be installed by SMP/E in the same target zone.

Advanced Message Security for z/OS (AMS) 9.0 provides both the LTS release and CD release options.

The release options are selected by choosing the equivalent release for the base product, IBM MQ for z/OS 9.0, and enabling with the product 5655-AM9.

Attention: You cannot choose CD release enhancements for AMS functions on an LTS release IBM MQ base.

If your enterprise uses IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) 9.0, the same product 5655-VU9 enables VUE licensing in either the LTS release or CD release of IBM MQ for z/OS 9.0.


The LTS and CD releases are provided in separate sets of FMIDs. Note that these FMIDs cannot be installed in the same SMP/E target zone.

Where you require both the LTS and CD releases, you should:
  • Install the LTS release and CD release in separate target zones
  • Maintain separate target and distribution libraries for the two releases

As the releases use different FMIDs, it is not possible to update a CD release with maintenance for an LTS release or the other way round. Similarly, there is no way to switch a version of the product code from LTS release to CD release or the other way round.

However it is possible to switch a queue manager between the release models, for further information see Migration


The LTS release is serviced by the application of PTFs which provide defect fixes, and cumulative security updates (CSUs), which provide security patches. Note that the PTFs resolve specific issues, and are not cumulative.

IBM provides groups of fixes in RSU levels for an LTS release.

The CD release is serviced by the application of PTFs which deliver both defect fixes and functional enhancements.

Each set of PTFs is cumulative and increases the modification level of the CD release. That is, a set of PTFs will update the product and change the reported v.r.m from 9.0.1 to 9.0.2. The subsequent set of PTFs supersedes the first set, and updates the installed product to 9.0.3.

Migration between LTS release and CD release

There are constraints and limitations, but generally a single queue manager can be migrated from using LTS release code to CD release code or from using CD release code to LTS release code provided that the target release is higher than that in use prior to the migration.

IBM MQ for z/OS has traditionally provided a fallback capability (backward migration) so that after a period of running following a migration, it is possible to fallback to the prior release without loss of data.

This capability is retained for LTS releases, but is not possible when the source or target of a migration is a CD release. The following are valid migration scenarios and illustrate this principle:
Source release Destination release Notes
8.0.0 9.0.0 LTSR backward migration supported while 9.0.0 in OPMODE(COMPAT)
8.0.0 9.0.1 CDR No backward migration, target release is CD
9.0.0 LTSR 9.0.2 CDR No backward migration, target release is CD
Once a queue manager starts running a CD release of code, the queue manager sets the OPMODE to NEWFUNC at the new release level. The queue manager command level will also be updated to indicate the new release level.
[UNIX, Linux, Windows, IBM i]

Considerations for IBM MQ for Multiplatforms


Within Passport Advantage there are two separate eAssemblies for IBM MQ 9.1. One contains installation images for IBM MQ 9.0.0 Long Term Support release, and the other contains installation images for IBM MQ 9.0. n Continuous Delivery release.

Download installation images from the eAssembly according to your choice of release.

Alternatively, for the LTS release only, a media pack is available, containing product installation DVDs.

All IBM MQ versions, and for IBM MQ 9.0 both the LTS releases and CD releases, belong to the same Product Id.

Entitlement to use IBM MQ extends across the entire product (PID) subject to the constraints of licensed components and pricing metrics. This means that you can freely choose between LTS release and CD release installation images for IBM MQ 9.0.


Once an installation image has been downloaded from Passport Advantage, you should only select for installation the components for which you have purchased entitlement. See IBM MQ license information for further information about which installable components are included for each chargeable component.

It is possible to install IBM MQ 9.0 LTS release and IBM MQ 9.1 CD release on the same operating system image.

If you do this, the components appear as separate installations, as supported by IBM MQ multi-version support. Each version has distinct sets of queue managers associated with that version.

Each new CD release is provided as an installation image. The new CD release can be installed along side an existing release, or, an earlier CD release can be updated in place by the installer to the new release.


The LTS release is serviced by the application of fix packs, which provide defect fixes, and cumulative security updates (CSUs), which provide security patches. The fix packs are made available periodically and are cumulative.

The only maintenance provided for a CD release will be in the form of an iFix delivered to resolve a specific customer issue, if required, on the two latest CD releases, which could be on a subsequent version.

Migration between LTS release and CD release

There are constraints and limitations but, generally, a single queue manager can be migrated from using LTS release code to CD release code, or from using CD release code to LTS release code, provided that the target release is higher than that in use prior to the migration.

Two approaches are possible:
  • Install the new release of code in place so that an existing installation of IBM MQ is updated. Any queue managers associated with the installation use the new release of code when started.
  • Install the new release of code as a new installation, then move individual queue manager instances to the new installation using the setmqm command.

Once a queue manager starts running a CD release of code, the queue manager command level is updated to indicate the new release level. This means any new functions provided in the release are enabled, and it will no longer be possible to restart the queue manager using a code release with a lower v.r.m.