Common directory locations

Jazz™ for Service Management topics use path name variables for paths to common directories, for example, home directories.

Jazz for Service Management home directory

The JazzSM_HOME variable describes the location where Jazz for Service Management is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the following default locations are used:
  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Users\nonrootuser_name\IBM\JazzSM

Jazz for Service Management profile directory

The JazzSM_WAS_Profile variable describes the location of the application server profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This location is in the /profile/ subdirectory of the Jazz for Service Management home directory.
  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\profile
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM\profile
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Users\nonrootuser_name\IBM\JazzSM\profile

Jazz for Service Management profile name

The JazzSM_Profile_Name variable refers to the name assigned to the WebSphere® Application Server profile for Jazz for Service Management. The default name is JazzSMProfile.

Installation images home directory

The Install_Imgs_Home variable describes the common root directory that contains the extracted contents of the installation images depending on the installation scenario.

  • Full installation–IBM® DB2®, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and IBM Tivoli® Common Reporting if you want to install Tivoli Common Reporting during the full installation flow.
    Attention: You must extract the contents of the installation media for this software to the same common root directory, otherwise the full installation displays error messages for missing software.
  • Custom installation–IBM WebSphere Application Server, if you do not want to use an existing installation; Tivoli Common Reporting if you want to install it after a custom installation of the other integration services.
    Note: It is not necessary to extract the contents of the installation media for this software to the same common root directory, but it is preferable to maintain all extracted installation media in a central location.

Jazz for Service Management installation images home directory

The JazzSM_Image_Home variable describes the common root directory in which the Jazz for Service Management is extracted. It contains the launchpad, IBM Installation Manager, IBM Prerequisite Scanner, the Installation Manager repository with the software packages for the integration services except Tivoli Common Reporting, and IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator.

Tip: Ensure that the path to the JazzSM_Image_Home directory does not contain any spaces or special characters, otherwise the launchpad does not start.

IBM DB2 home directory

The DB2_HOME variable describes the location where IBM DB2 is installed. This location was specified during installation. If not specified, the following default locations are used:
  • On UNIX systems: /opt/ibm/db2 for root user installations and $HOME/sqllib for non-root user installations, where $HOME represents the non-root user's home directory.
  • On Windows systems: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB

WebSphere Application Server home directory

The WAS_HOME variable describes the location where WebSphere Application Server is installed. This location was specified during installation. If not specified, the following default locations are used:
  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere/AppServer
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Users\nonrootuser_name\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

Dashboard Application Services Hub home directory

The DASH_HOME variable describes the location where Dashboard Application Services Hub is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the following default locations are used:

  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM/ui
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\ui
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM\ui
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Users\nonrootuser_name\IBM\JazzSM\ui

Dashboard Application Services Hub profile directory

The DASH_Profile variable describes the location of the application server profile that is used for Dashboard Application Services Hub. This location is in the /profiles/ subdirectory of the Jazz for Service Management home directory.

  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\profile
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/profile
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Users\nonrootuser_name\IBM\JazzSM\profile

Tivoli Common Reporting home directory

The REPORTING_HOME directory that contains the uninstallation program, the installation log files, and Tivoli Common Reporting component files. If not specified, the following default locations are used:

  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM/reporting
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\reporting
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM\reporting
    • Windows operating systemsNot supported

IBM Cognos installation directory

The c10_location directory that contains the Cognos® installation. If not specified, the following default locations are used:

  • Root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/opt/IBM/JazzSM/reporting/cognos
    • Windows operating systemsC:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\reporting\cognos
  • Non-root user installations:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems/home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM\reporting\cognos
    • Windows operating systemsNot supported

Full installation log directory

The Full_install_log_dir directory into which general and offering specific logs are created during full installation:

  • On UNIX systems: $HOME/jazzsm_launchpad/logs/
  • On Windows systems: %userprofile%\jazzsm_launchpad\logs\

IBM Prerequisite Scanner installation directory

The ips_root directory that contains the contents of the extracted Prerequisite Scanner platform package. If not specified, the default locations are used: