Viewing and canceling BIRT or EDG reports that are running

You can view or cancel reports that are currently running on the server. You can cancel reports that are based on a BIRT or Engineering Document Generation design file in the Quality Management and Change and Configuration Management applications.


  1. To cancel a report that you requested, click Reports > Browse > Running Reports.
  2. To view or cancel any other running reports, log in to the Reports administration interface of the application that is running the report. You must log in with a user ID that is a member of the JazzAdmins group.
    1. Access the administration URL for the application:
      • Change and Configuration Management application: https://host name:port number/ccm/admin.
      • Quality Management application: https://host name:port number/qm/admin.
    2. On the Reports page, click the Running Reports link.
  3. In the list of reports, click the Cancel icon in the Actions column.
    Running reports
    When you submit a request to cancel the report, the report might not stop immediately. Refresh the running reports list to confirm that the report stopped running.

Setting limits on the running time of a report

You can set a limit on how long you want your reports to run. For example, if a report continues to run after a window is closed, the report might consume resources and impact the performance of the web application. By setting the maximum run duration, you can control how long a report is run before it is automatically canceled.

About this task

You can set limits on reports that are based on a BIRT or Engineering Document Generation design file in the Quality Management and Change and Configuration Management applications.


  1. Log in to the Server administration page of the application that is running the report. You must log in with a user ID that is a member of the JazzAdmins group.
    1. Access the administration URL for the application:
      • Change and Configuration Management application: https://host name:port number/ccm/admin.
      • Quality Management application: https://host name:port number/qm/admin.
    2. Click the Server tab.
  2. In the Configuration section, click Advanced Properties.
  3. Scroll down to the Reports section.
  4. Click Edit in the section.
  5. In the Maximum report task time field, enter the duration in seconds of the report task run time. By default, there is no limit on the report duration (-1).
    If you change this value, you do not need to restart the server.
    Maximum run time
  6. The Task delay field controls the length of intervals between task runs and should not be changed. The default setting is 15 minutes.