Updating to the latest fix pack

WSRR can be updated, by using the IBM® Installation Manager.

Before you begin

To update WSRR, you must first have installed IBM Installation Manager. IBM Installation Manager is supplied with the WSRR installation media.You require Installation Manager 1.7.1, which can be downloaded from http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24035764.

For more information, see the IBM Installation Manager Information Center.

You must stop all WSRR servers on the host you are applying the fix pack to.

About this task

Complete the following steps to update WSRR using the IBM Installation Manager. You must complete these steps for every node on a cluster or federated server update to ensure that all the required files are updated.


  1. For Windows operating systemFor Microsoft Windows, click Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager
  2. For Unix operating systemFor Linux operating systemFor UNIX platforms, run im_install/IBMIM, where im_install is the installation manager installation directory, which is /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse by default.
  3. If the computer on which you want to install the fix pack does not have internet access, complete the following actions, otherwise proceed to Step 5.
    1. Download the fix pack from the Recommended fixes support page.
    2. Extract the contents of the download package to a directory on the local file system on the target computer.
    3. In IBM Installation Manager, click File > Preferences > Repositories.
    4. Click Add Repository.
    5. Click Browse, select the repository.config file in the directory to which you extracted the download package, and click Open.
    6. Click OK to add the new repository to the list and return to the Repositories page.
    7. On the Repositories page, click OK. The IBM Installation Manager page is displayed.
  4. If the computer on which you want to install the fix pack does have internet access, IBM Installation Manager connects to the required repositories automatically.
  5. In IBM Installation Manager, click Update.
  6. Select the WebSphere® Application Server package group that WSRR is installed into and click Next.
  7. Click Next on the Update Packages page.
  8. Read and confirm your acceptance of the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
  9. Click Next on the Features page.
  10. Review the details on the Packages summary page and click Update.
  11. When the update process is complete, click Finish.