Creating the Oracle database

To create a WSRR database manually, you must edit and run the scripts that come with WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository, this topic tells you how to edit and run scripts associated with the Oracle database.

About this task

attention You must create the database using the UTF-8 code set. No other code sets will function correctly.

Before you can run scripts to create an Oracle database manually, you must customize them for WSRR. You can create the following databases:
  • WSRR
  • Activity logging
  • Service integration bus.
    Note: Using WSRR without a service integration bus is not supported.
You can create these databases separately, or alternatively you can create the activity logging and service integration bus tables in the WSRR database. The most common scenario is to create activity logging, and service integration bus tables in the WSRR database, and this topic describes that scenario. If you create users by running the createWsrrSchema.sql, createActSchema.sql, or createSibSchema.sql scripts, then you need to unlock the accounts before starting WSRR.

Use the following values:

Table 1. Values used to create Oracle database in WSRR
Value Description
$ACTDB_SCHEMA Activity logging database schema. This must be the same as the value of $ACTDB_USER.
$DB_NAME WSRR database name.
$DB_SCHEMA WSRR database schema. This must be the same as the value of $DB_USER.
$DB_USER User in the Oracle database (default is SYSTEM).
$DB_PASS The password for $DB_USER
$ORACLEPATH The Oracle installation directory.
$ORAUSER The operating system ID owning the oracle installation (usually "oracle").
$ORASYSPASS The password for the oracle SYSTEM user.
$SIBDB_SCHEMA Service integration bus database schema. This must be the same as the value of $SIBDB_USER.
$SQLPATH Path to the SQL files, for example: install_root/WSRR/dbscripts/oracle or install_media_root/dbscripts/oracle.
Note: When using or creating databases, you must be aware of the following restrictions.
  • You must use the ojdbc6.jar file, which is the Java™ version 1.6 JDBC driver.
  • Databases, whether existing or newly created, must use the UTF-8 code set. No other code sets will function correctly. To create new databases in UTF-8, set the following parameters:
  • Oracle truncates database names to eight characters, so you must avoid names longer than eight characters.
  • Ensure that a listener is defined to accept TCP connections by using the netca tool. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.


  1. Copy the script files to your database server.
  2. Create an empty database by completing the following steps (omit these steps if you are using an existing database):
    1. Edit $SQLPATH/dbca.rsp.
      • Replace all instances of __VARFILEPATH__ with $SQLPATH
      • Replace all instances of __DBNAME__ with $DB_NAME
    2. As $ORAUSER, run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/dbca -silent -responseFile $SQLPATH/dbca.rsp 
    3. Set ORACLE_SID with the database name by running the following command:
      export ORACLE_SID
  3. Configure the database for WSRR:
    1. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createWsrrDb.sql
      • Replace __DBNAME__ with $DB_NAME
      • Replace __DBSYSPASSWORD__ with $ORASYSPASS
    2. As $ORAUSER, run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus /nolog @$SQLPATH/createWsrrDb.sql
  4. Create the WSRR schema and tables:
    1. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createWsrrSchema.sql:
      • Uncomment the line starting -- schema --
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $DB_SCHEMA
    2. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createWsrrSchema.sql
    3. Edit the files $SQLPATH/createWsrrTables1.sql, $SQLPATH/createWsrrTables2.sql, and $SQLPATH/createWsrrProcs.sql.
      • Replace __DBUSER__ with $DB_USER
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $DB_SCHEMA
    4. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createWsrrTables1.sql
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createWsrrProcs.sql
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createWsrrTables2.sql
  5. Create the schema and database tables for the activity logging database:
    1. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createActSchema.sql:
      • Uncomment the line starting -- schema --
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $ACTDB_SCHEMA
    2. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createActSchema.sql
    3. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createActTables.sql:
      • Replace __DBUSER__ with $DB_USER
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $ACTDB_SCHEMA
    4. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createActTables.sql
  6. Create the schema and database tables for the service integration bus database:
    1. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createSibSchema.sql:
      • Uncomment the line starting -- schema --
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $SIBDB_SCHEMA
    2. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createSibSchema.sql
    3. Edit the file $SQLPATH/createSibTables.sql:
      • Replace __DBUSER__ with $DB_USER
      • Replace __DBSCHEMA__ with $SIBDB_SCHEMA
    4. As $ORAUSER run:
      $ORACLEPATH/bin/sqlplus SYSTEM/$ORASYSPASS@$DB_NAME  @$SQLPATH/createSibTables.sql


The Oracle database is created.