Removing fix packs silently

You can remove a WSRR fix pack silently by editing a response file and running it using a command.

You can base your response file on the file that is supplied for installing WSRR, see Response file for silent installation. Add the following section after the <install> section:
	<offering profile="IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND" id="" version="rollback_version" />
Where rollback_version is the version number of the WSRR installation before the fix pack was applied. You can find the version number in the history file. The history file is part of Installation Manager agent data, see Agent data location in the Installation Manager Information Center. For example, the default location of the history file in a Windows installation is C:\Users\All Users\IBM\Installation Manager\histories\index.xml. View this file in Internet Explorer to review all stored history files in Installation Manager. WSRR installation history is contained in the WebSphere Application Server profile that WSRR was deployed to.

Use the command to call the response file and roll back the fix pack (see Silent installation command).