
Use the ldif command to convert arbitrary data values to LDAP data interchange format (LDIF).


The ldif command is a shell-accessible tool that converts arbitrary data values to LDIF. The command reads values from standard input and produces entries appropriate for use in an LDIF file.


ldif [-b ] attrname


The ldif command takes the following parameters. All values are case-sensitive.
Specifies the value is a single raw binary value. Output is a base64 encoded value.
Specifies the attribute name for which values to convert. If the -b parameter is not specified, the command interprets each line of standard input to be a separate value of the attribute.


Example 1:
To create the LDIF format for the sn attribute with smith as value, run the following command:
ldif sn
The command generated the following output:
sn: smith
Example 2:
To create binary value with the ldif command, use the -b parameter. Run the following command to generate the binary value:
ldif -b sn 
On Windows systems, press Ctrl+Z, and on UNIX based systems, press Ctrl+D to generate the following output:
sn:: c21pdGgNCg==