Server utilities

Understand the behavior and usage of server utilities and the considerations for synchronizing the directory server instances.

For server utilities that support multiple directory instances on a system, the -I parameter is optional for any of the following conditions:
  • If the IDS_LDAP_INSTANCE environment variable is set.
  • If there is only one instance on the system.
For the idsicrt and idsidrop server utilities, you must provide the -I parameter.
Attention: When you create a directory server instance, consider the following points.
  • You must cryptographically synchronize the directory server instances to obtain better performance, if you are using any of the following features:
    • Replication
    • Distributed directory
    • Import and export LDIF data between server instances
  • You must cryptographically synchronize a directory server instance with an existing server before you do any of the following actions:
    • Start the second server instance.
    • Run the idsbulkload command from the second server instance.
    • Run the idsldif2db command from the second server instance.
For information about synchronizing directory server instances, see Synchronizing two-way cryptography between server instances.